Today was a good day. Not because of anything earth-shattering. But it was a million tiny little things that added up to be a huge blessing for this mommy.
I brought the kids' clothes downstairs for church, just a few minutes after Andy had given Ben his morning medicine. Ben was laying on the couch, complaining of a stomachache. He asked for a bowl just in case he got sick. Andy and I knew what that meant. We probably weren't going to make it to church today. That kid's got a high tolerance for pain and barely ever complains. Ben doesn't ask for a bowl until moments before he gets sick in it.
I laid down on the couch with him while Andy took care of the other two in another room. I tried to think of our options... perhaps Andy would take the other two to church and I would stay home with Ben... or maybe I would take the other kids... or maybe we would just all stay home. I weighed the possibilities as Ben continued to complain of a stomachache. Then - all of a sudden - he said, "Okay, I'm ready to get my clothes on for church now."
Um. Okay.
So he got dressed and continued through his morning as if there wasn't anything wrong.
First mini-miracle.
Andy dropped the boys off at Sunday school while I took Megan into the nursery. Ben was willing and eager to go - and stay - in his class. Just as he has every other Sunday. And they never called us because he was too tired and ready to leave.
Second mini-miracle.
We were pulling out of the church parking lot and I asked the boys what they learned in their class. Usually, Jack is the one to answer. He's the self-appointed spokesman for those two. But it was Ben. "Today we learned that God can do anything," he said matter-of-factly. "What did you learn in your class, Mom?"
Andy and I just looked at each other. Huh? I was so surprised by his eloquent response that it took me a moment to gather my thoughts in order to answer him.
Third mini-miracle.
After we got back from lunch, Ben took a nap on the couch. Megan was napping upstairs, so Andy decided to take advantage of the one-on-one time with Jack and take a trip to Home Depot. I went upstairs to work on laundry.
After a few minutes, Ben came upstairs. He really does hate to be alone. He walked into the laundry room and plopped himself on a full laundry basket. He was soooo talkative! I was in heaven. He sat while I folded clothes and matched socks. And everything started with, "Mom, remember when...?"
"Remember when you found out you were going to have a baby? And you were really having two? And you were so happy you cried and cried?"
"Remember when I was a baby and I was so little? And then I grew and grew into a little boy? I'm going to be ten someday. And Megan will still be smaller than me. I am almost a man."
"Remember when we went to Myrtle Beach and we caught a crab at nighttime? Can we go there again? I want to fly this time."
"Remember when I was at the hospital for ten days? And I had an IV? Do we have to go back there again? I liked that playroom."
"Remember when Daddy saw a turtle on the side of the road and we took it to Nana's house? Remember when I held it? I never held a turtle before!"
"Remember when we went to Uncle Matt's store and we just kept jumping and jumping on all the mattresses? That was really fun."
Fourth mini-miracle.
You see, when we met with the neurosurgeon to talk about his tumor tripling in size in just three weeks (including one week of radiation and treatment,) the prognosis was not encouraging. They couldn't see the tumor doing anything but continuing to grow. And with that continued growth would come more swelling, more discomfort, more problems. We were told to expect him to struggle to make connections, slur his words, trip over his own feet, and for his memory to worsen.
It's been two weeks since we were sent home from the hospital. For the second time. With no promise of returning to Roswell for treatment, just to Children's if we had problems.
And people continued to pray.
And in two weeks, we've only administered morphine once. And that was namely because the swelling was so big after treatment and we didn't have a good schedule and dosage of steroid yet. The only medications he's taking is the steroid to help minimize pain from the swelling, a medicine to protect his stomach from the toughness of the steroid, and an anti-seizure medicine. That's it.
It's been two weeks. No seizures. No memory loss. No pain.
Fifth mini-miracle.
We are only taking one day at a time. I can't even think about what may happen tomorrow. As the Bible says, "tomorrow has enough trouble of its own." I know firsthand how quickly things can 'go south.' But I am choosing to be grateful for today. Even the other neurosurgeons we've talked to for second- and third-opinions look at the MRI and can't believe he is so high-functioning. He should be so much worse than he is.
The fact that my son is not in pain. He's still talking. He's still walking. He doesn't have a lot of energy and he has lost almost all of the hair on half of his head, but he is not struggling. I can't ask for much more than that!
And I believe this is all due to the power of prayer.
Thank you, God, for my mini miracle and his many mini miracles today.
Praise the Lord for all you miracles today
ReplyDeletePraises to the Lord for your faith, and not giving up. Praises to Jesus for Victory in this circumstance, and the continued journey that God has you on.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteGod is good!
DeleteI pray for the day, many years to come, when Ben says to you, "Mom, remember the time the doctors told you I wouldn't get better?" And you can smile back at him and say, "Yes, Ben. I remember."
DeleteMindy, I too believe it is the prayers, love and Grace of God that are protecting Ben from experiencing any pain. I pray Ben will look back 10 years from now and say "Mom remember when.......praise Him for the mini-miracles! Continuing to hold you , Ben and your family in prayer everyday.
DeleteThis post brought tears to my eyes. Praising God for your mini miracles. May you continue to feel God's love surrounding you in the midst of all you are going through. Continued prayers.
ReplyDeletePraise God! As I sit here reading about the mini miracles I am visioning him talking to you... so sweet.. we will continue to pray for Ben and all of you.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! What a wonderful day of mini-miracles!
ReplyDeleteSo amazing, all of your miracles. They are not mini - they are MAXI---each one, a true blessing and God reminding you that He is in control……much love and many prayers to your sweet family.
ReplyDeleteGod is good!! Praying that Ben gets many more miracles.
ReplyDeleteMany prayers to your family. I loved this post :)
ReplyDeleteI git instant cold chills as reading this...I'm so happy Ben got to have a good day! Forever in my prayers
ReplyDeleteWe rejoice with your mini-miracles! Another mini-miracle (or not so mini, in my opinion) - your attitude and response in the midst of this! It's amazing! You don't know us, but your testimony was the part of our lunch discussion today with some Buffalo friends who are also following your story! So glad to see you carried by grace...
ReplyDeleteThat is so encouraging! So glad Ben had a good day today. I continue to think of and pray for you all. God can work miracles both big and small. :)
ReplyDeleteOver 150 women prayed together for your family yesterday with Jamie Longo...we will continue to hold you up in prayer. Your faith and courage brings us to our knees ! God bless you and watch over you every second......
ReplyDeleteSo wonderful and inspirational. Continuing to pray for you:)
ReplyDeleteThat is so great with all the miracles today. Keep praying everyday.
ReplyDeleteWe continue to pray and thank God for "mini" miracles!
ReplyDeleteGod woke me last night and my first thought was to pray for Ben. I do not your family, but as children of the most high God we are all family, and as such I love Ben and will continue to pray. Praying from Missouri.
ReplyDeleteYour Ben is such an inspiration to me. Every day I say just a tiny prayer for a miracle for you and your family. I find myself checking the blog and Facebook pages often throughout the day and I can never get through a blog entry without succumbing to tears. It isn't the big miracles that matter the most, it's the mini ones for those have the most impact. I wear something blue every single day for Ben. It's something small to show I think about him and am praying so very hard for a miracle.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jesus! He is so good. Praying for you tonight.
ReplyDeleteThis post just made me smile. I pray for Ben and your family everyday. He has captured my heart! I have two boys, eight and four and I cannot imagine how difficult this journey is for you all. Just know that your little boy has made such an impact on so many lives, he's a miracle! God bless you all, especially sweet Ben!! Hugs from Pennsylvania!!
ReplyDeletePraying for as many mini miracles as you can get.
ReplyDeleteI read and hear of many stories like yours. I always feel bad. I always feel grateful for what I have-at least temporarily. But you...and Ben..and your family....I cannot stop thinking and praying for you all. It seems as though I can feel your heart...breaking, hoping, trying to be strong. It's an energy I cannot describe. The support is a testament. God Bless your family.
ReplyDeleteAmen!! Way to go Sauer family!! We will continue our endless prayers for more mini miracles're all so very deserving.
ReplyDeleteGod bless your beautiful family. Your blog touches my heart and I pray for little Ben to have many more miracles!
ReplyDeleteI am ever changed by you and Ben. I am still praying for a huge miracle..but the mini miracles are our assurance that God does provide!!! I am smiling and shedding happy tears for your wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteI am crying with tears of joy right now, I am so happy it was a good day. Yes these are miracles and Ben is a fighter. God is listening to all of us. Thank you for sharing this, I was having a such a sad day thinking of Ben, and I so happy for him and you for today. God Bless:):):)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jesus! We love you so much. Perfect love casts out all fear. Amen.
ReplyDeleteYou won't believe this and that's okay...but I knew you were going to write this before you wrote it! God has been speaking to my heart about Ben and THIS was the gist of our conversation. Don't miss the mini miracles while waiting for the "big one". You answered the same way I did, "Okay God I won't!"
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you had this day of mini miracles, presents from the present! I hope you continue to have them for many, many, many more years with all of your beautiful children. May God bless you all!
ReplyDeletePraise God for your day of miracles - absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing a window into your blessing-filled day! Our family experienced glioblastoma multiforme stage 4 - we are familiar with this road. Much love and a bzillion prayers for your family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a treasure that moment was for you and him...such a gift! Praise you Lord for your goodness! Thank you for hearing the prayers of so many! Mindy, thank you for this update. We are continuing to pray here in Columbus, OH.
ReplyDeleteI cried reading this tonight bit surprisingly they were happy tears. I feel as though you will receive a miracle soon. Prayers being sent your way for strength and healing. PS. I wear my Blue4Ben bracelet everyday! :)
ReplyDeleteIn my heart of hearts, I feel that miracle too!
DeleteOh, thank God Ben is doing so well! This was so beautiful to read. So glad you are being given so much time to create such beautiful memories to cherish always. I pray you can look back on this in thirty+ years with Ben... laugh and smile, while he tells you... "Mom, remember when..." God Bless You!
ReplyDeleteI think Ben already knows he is being healed....He said he was going to be 10 someday! I hope that encourages your heart.
DeleteBeautiful and amazing story!! Thank you for sharing. We are so happy to hear about the mini-miracles working in the lives of your family. We can only continue praying for Ben's miracle, being clear from any tumors! Like Ben said, "God can do anything!!" :)
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord!!! We are continuing to pray. Each and EVERY day. So glad you all had a great day. <3
ReplyDeleteAhhhh! When you are able to count the "mini blessings"... you are able to see The Blessor!! He is holding your family and moving through you. He's GOT THIS! Thank you so much for sharing this journey and for making our invisible God...visible! My prayers for Ben, and for your family won't stop!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you. I found your life for some reason. I am constantly thinking of your family and you most of all. You are the reason. I would not be able to have your strength. your eloquence, your love, your faith. that's why its you. you made me and I am sure many others to go to church. I went the first time in a long time with my 3 children. I prayed for you and your family. I will go again. I beg(ged) God for your miracle. You are amazing. please keep writing.
ReplyDeleteKelly Felker, YOU are one of the mini miracles that God is giving to Mindy. To have been brought back to our loving God is the miracle of Ben and of Mindy's blog. Would God love YOU so much as to use Mindy's son to bring you to Him? Yes. He used His own son to bring All of us to Him. And Kelly, He heard your prayers. He hears your prayers. Praise God. To His Glory for He is worthy!
DeleteThis brought me to tears, but of joy for once! SO thankful you were able to have this wonderful day with Ben. Those moments in the laundry room will stay with you forever! It sounds to me like this little boy may just get the miracle of miracles so many MANY people are praying for! Love to you all.....
ReplyDeleteI am claiming another miracle that Ben DOES have a tenth birthday and we'll have the biggest birthday party in the history of Buffalo!
ReplyDelete<3 this!
DeleteGod is good!
ReplyDeleteLove this toooo!! <3
DeleteThat's awesome! We'll pray for tons more mini miracles tomorrow.....and the day after and the day after.....etc, etc, etc!
ReplyDeleteI think of your family every day and every night when I kiss my boys goodnight...I have twins that will be 3 next week.. I thank God for every single moment I have with them. It is because of your story that I have more patience and instead of rushing them I enjoy them. Thank you for sharing Ben with us...I am praying for your miracle and am so happy for your minis today.
ReplyDeleteYour faith is encouraging many. We are praying for many more miracles for Ben and for your family. May the peace of Christ be with you all.
ReplyDeleteWhat a day full of blessings you had! I love love love that he sat there and chatted with you like that -- such a typical little 4-year-old boy! I hope you are able to fall asleep tonight with a smile on your lips.
ReplyDeletePraying for mini miracles and of course a big miracle.
ReplyDeleteAmen. Thank God. A wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these mini (although HUGE!) miracles with us. Continuing to pray...
ReplyDeleteThis is the MOST UPLIFTING post I have read! Thank you, God, for miracles. We will all keep praying so hard! Much love to you all!
ReplyDeleteOur family believes in miracles ourselves because my grandson wasn't supposed to survive passed birth and he is almost 10 months old with stage 5 kidney failure. The drs are amazed on his progress and his numbers when they do bloodwork. We don't ask questions we just keep praying! ! As we continue to pray for your little boy somehow someway we are all hoping things only get better and Ben gets to continue to grow up. Treasure your every day miracles. Always in my thoughts. Stacey
ReplyDeleteOur God reigns!! So glad to hear about your day filled with miracles :)
ReplyDeleteThe power or prayer! Keeping them coming so the miracles mini or mammoth keep coming! <3 and prayers to you and yours!
ReplyDeletePraise God ! So thrilled for each of these miracles and praying for rest tonight for all of you and a great day tomorrow." Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us,to Him be the glory ....forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21
ReplyDeletePrayer & unity!!! Jesus!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow.. Our God IS a miracle maker!
ReplyDeleteMany prayers, many people. I will continue to send prayers a millions times over. I always loved when my older boys would say "mom, remember when". Now, every time I play with my lilttle richie or I think about him while I'm at work, I do so much praying for Ben. Please a miracle for Ben!
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord! Thank you so much for sharing this news with us. We continue to pray for you daily.
ReplyDeleteGod does not give out more than we can handle. Ben has had his fair share, but I think he's smart enough to know that God has him in the palm of his hand and is only handing out what he feels Ben as well as your family can handle. You, Ben & your family are in my daily prayers. I pray that there will be more mini-miracles along this tough journey. GOD BLESS & KEEP YOU SAFE!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing his progress. Your faith is a gift. Your son has blessed me even in the midst of his darkest hour....and Jesus is so evident in you all and for that I am so grateful that he makes himself know. I continue to pray for miracles upon miracles. God bless you all.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your precious little Ben! Praise the Lord for such a great day!
ReplyDeleteStill praying for a miracle, but thrilled to hear of all the little ones. GOD is good!! May he bless all of you and keep you strong.
ReplyDeleteMindy! That's the best news ♥ I'm so excited to hear of these miracles.!! Praying for continued miracles on my knees tonight promise!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you all, as you are absolutely inspirational!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me, and I don't know you.
But your sweet little boy has captured a piece of my heart. I am so encouraged by your faith, your ability to live life despite the pain and struggle, your love of your family, and your inspiring wisdom. I am praying for you all…may the Lord grant you strength and grace for each new day. And may He provide strength and grace to little sweet Ben. You're right--the Lord is good despite hard circumstances. And He is faithful. "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." -Hebrews 13:5
Love and prayers to you all,
Naomi Joy
Through the eyes of babes....God bless you...
ReplyDeleteYou are a testament to faith and trust in the Lord. I know He will do mighty things through your witness. Praying everyday for Ben.
ReplyDeleteTears of joy for this post. Miracles are happening. Continued prayers for more. You have have touched the lives of many. I know I am forever changed just by your words and actions. You are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteSending love and prayers for continued healing. Mindy, you are such an inspiration and I am honored to "know" you. We are Blue4Ben in Gaines.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this, Mindy. I'm thrilled to know our Heavenly Father is taking such good care of you in so many ways. I will continue to pray for continued miracles! You are in my thoughts and prayers every single day - many times per day!
ReplyDelete~ Sue Barth (Lynn Minter's sister)
Ben was such a sweetheart in Sunday school yesterday too! He answered questions in our group and sang songs. He even wanted to play pin the tail on the donkey! He is such a blessing to all who know him! I am always praying for your family! God has already reached so many through your words and your demonstrations of your strong faith. Praise God for Ben and all your miracles each and every day!
ReplyDeleteThank God for mini miracles!
ReplyDeleteGod also privide hemp oil for cancer cure.
See Rick Simpson Cancer Cure on YouTube.
It does work.....
Ben is an amazing, God-filled little boy. I loved reading about his "remember when's" and can see what is important in his young life. Our Lord is in the miracle working business. So often we just need to be aware of the "God sightings" and all our Lord has to offer. That's exactly what you, as Ben's mom, are doing. It inspires me to look for miracles in my life today. Blessings on your "God sightings" today, dear Mindy.
ReplyDeleteMiracles do happen. People recover when we constantly focus on his future. Plan his future, pray for his comfort as well as what his continued life will look like. His graduation, his marriage, his own children. Please don't focus on the tumor focus on his health. God works through us and our prayers do work. I see him getting better. I see his little miracles as gifts towards the greater miracle of his growing old. He is so loved by his family, his church, his community and the world. God loves him... You are strong little Ben. Be a fighter, God wants you to fight this and get better. You are a true living growing healthy angel.
ReplyDeleteI know that many use the 'angel' interchangeable with our young people or people who have passed away as being our "guardian angels", but God tells us that we are much MORE to him than angels, we are his CHILDREN. The angels are there to serve God and His Children. They are a separate creation of God, loved by God, but not as he Loves His children. So speak of Ben as a child of God, as beautiful as an angel maybe, but never an angel, because he is HIGHER than the angels. He is a son of God, the most High. Amen. and Amen.
Delete(please don't think I am condemning those that think gently of angels; I only want Ben, and all of us, to remember we are CHILDREN of the Almighty God. And we serve Him by choice, not as His angel servants.)
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God, my Father, there is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not. As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be. Great is Thy faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
ReplyDeleteWe continue our prayers for him!! I pray each new day brings many mini miracles! God is so good!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Our prayers continue to be with your family through this difficult chapter.
We are so grateful to God for all he does for you and through you. We are continuing to pray. I've contacted family members and KCM Ministries in TX and they, too are praying. Perhaps millions are praying. NOTHING, NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is too hard for God! Your faith is inspiring and so strong. I don't have to know you personally to love you and continue to pray with you and for you - you are my brothers and sisters in the Lord. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteFound you through friends who asked for prayer for you. Praying in Pa.~
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately not every child is gifted caring parents. May your words of love and faith reach the ears of those who need to hear them. I pray for your family everyday..many times a day..pray for your miracle. When each of my 18,19,20..graduated nursery school, my parents gave them the Dr. Seuss book "Oh, the Places You'll Go". Occasionally I ask them to re-read the simple but meaningful words. I feel like some day, when they become parents, I'll have a book filled with simple, meaningful, inspirational words to gift them. Maybe it will be titled "Wet Towels Can Wait"
ReplyDeletePraise God for these mini miracles!! Still praying. I don't know your family, but your story and the photo of Ben's precious face have touched my heart. I keep your page open on my computer all the time to remind me to pray.
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord. He's is everything!
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!!! One day at a time and many prayers a day for little Ben. This made my day!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI was just talking with a few friends and I believe there is a reason ( A BIGGER/HIGHER reason) this amazing family and little boy has been brought into all of our lives!! To create a miracle for him? I dont know, BUT sure hope so!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMindy..My name is Mary Gedeon and I have continually been praying for Ben and your family. On Friday of last week, I was driving to Ellicottville on a pretty desolate part of Rt. 219.
ReplyDeleteAs I was driving, I was praying for Ben, the skies were a gorgeous blue and the temperature was 51 degrees. After I was done praying, I glanced out of my side window and the clouds had formed the shape of a huge, beautiful cross. To me, there are no coincidences. God hears our prayers and I am praying for many more small miracles that equal one big miracle for Ben!
Our Grow Group is praying for your family! Thanking God for your mini miracles. Keeping looking up and all will be well with your soul!
ReplyDeleteBlessings My Friend,
I'm originally from Buffalo and currently live in Greensboro NC; my family including my 22 year old son all live in buffalo. My niece who also had twin boys about the same age as yours posts your blog on FB so I have been following....what? your ordeal, situation, circumstances, hell. I felt compelled to reach out to you in your grief and what must be immeasurable pain. As a parent I can certainly understand your pain and fear but as a bystander, I can't even begin to imagine what your family is going through. I admire your courage, strength and especially your faith. I wish you and your family are able to someday find peace again
ReplyDeleteMy tears today are because God CAN do anything! Praise HIS holy name!!!
ReplyDeleteMindy, I believe that God blesses us with miracles of all sizes. We just have to open our hearts and minds to see them! You are seeing and experiencing those miracles and I pray they continue! May God bless your family with strength, love and yes, even miracles! May I say that reading your blog has just continued to strengthen my faith - God bless you for that! And even in the midst of your family's circumstances, the power of prayer helps you to rise above them and find some level of peace!
ReplyDeleteRejoicing with you over the mini miracles! Praying for you all!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus! Believing for FULLNESS of recovery and testimony of God's goodness to spread everywhere. Andy
ReplyDeleteI was so touched by this I posted it on my Facebook wall...not thinking much about it other than I wanted to encourage prayers for your Ben. I was surprised when my cousin thanked me for posting. You see my cousin's son (also Ben) went for his 3 year post cancer follow up three weeks ago (he is 7). They found a lymph node that has changed and today is the day they will get the results of why. She has been struggling and saw this post this morning. She was touched by the message and said it helped her. Thank you for sharing with us.
ReplyDeletePraying for your little Ben too. May his results be of no concern and may God's peace rule in your cousin's heart. So many fears we will never know again once His kingdom arrives! Waiting on that day!
DeleteBen is not "a little boy waiting on a miracle". Ben is already a miracle.
ReplyDeleteAmen & well said! He IS a miracle, and so is his mommy.
DeleteAmen and AMEN!!!!!!!!
DeleteIn my heart, on my mind and in my prayers constantly. May little Ben continue to have many mini miracle until he has the greatest of miracles and goes on to lead a happy, healthy, fulfilling and long life.
ReplyDeleteYes! We are praying for him and believing for more mini miracles!!
ReplyDeleteAmazing!! God is so faithful!!! I pray daily for Ben!
ReplyDeletePraising God for all he has done through Ben's life and looking forward to all he is going to do! God is faithful and worthy to be praised
ReplyDeletePraise God for hearing our prayers and for this encouraging report!
ReplyDeletePastor Billy Burke was healed of brain cancer years ago, now travels the world preaching and teaching and praying for miracles!! Here is his Word of the Week: Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”
ReplyDeleteWhen you put God in the right place everything becomes possible! WATCH :
Bev M. Stevens: Believing for little Ben Sauer, 5 year old twin with a huge cancerous brain tumor, Dr's gave a few weeks to live, our whole community has been believing this verse for him..please continue to pray for the manifestation of that healing.....they have seen some little improvements.....we decree him healed in the mighty name of Jesus!!
Pastor Billy Burke: Bev, I will be praying for Ben along with our Intercessory Team that he will live, recover fully, and declare the works of the Lord!
"And I believe this is all due to the power of prayer" --- As do I! I have not stopped praying for Ben! Every single day. I will never stop. ♥
ReplyDeletePRAISING GOD with you! For it is only by His grace and mercy. We will keep praying for miracles!
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration to me. What strength God has given you. I wish I could express to you the way I am grieving with you as a sister in Christ. I am praying daily that this will end in the way that you desire. I will continue to pray without ceasing for little Ben. He is already God's miracle. Let's see what else He will do!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your miracles! We are praying continuously for miracles for you and Ben- mini and large scale! God is good- all the time. And your beautiful words of inspiration remind us of this. In our times of trouble, God is there- and He is good. Praying, praying, praying!
ReplyDeleteContinuing to pray for a miracle for Ben. We know HE is able.
ReplyDeletePraying for many more days of mini-miracles! Ben is always on my mind and in my you all are!
ReplyDeleteDitto to Kelly Guzek's comment. I have nothing to offer -- just want you to know that you are not alone -- there are lots of prayer warriors out there. Thank you for taking the time to post -- we are all looking eagerly for updates and your words are so inspiring. Hugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteYou BET this is the power of God! YOU BET!!! I KNOW it. Did you hear Ben say he learned that God could do anything? Have Ben pray for himself, and have Jack and him pray God will shrink Ben's tumor every day until it is nothing, because God can do anything.
ReplyDeleteThese are "mini-miracles" and they are signs God is hearing and answering prayers for you and your family.
I am praying God will shrink this tumor until it is gone, and Ben will grow up to be a big strong, God fearing, God loving man, who will be a daddy, and grandpa, and even great grandpa, and who will go around testifying how God healed him. That is what I am praying.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11
God bless you and your family.
Amen! to your prayer, Bee! I agree and ask God for the same. May Ben grow to be a strong man for Jesus along with his brother!
DeleteThis post really touched me today. I have had Ben and Jack in my four-year-old room at church several times (though, they are usually in the one next to me). When I heard that Ben had cancer, I didn't realize what exactly that meant. My friend told me about your blog, and I came to check it out. I read every post, and I have been greatly moved by Ben and your family's journey. This post really touched me, though, because I saw Ben and Jack in "story time" at church yesterday, and I had no idea what mini-miracles it took for that to actually happen. Now, I see that though, and I am so happy that he was able to enjoy church and learn that Jesus can do amazing things!!
ReplyDeleteAll of you are and will continue be in my prayers constantly!
Sending love,
Praise God for miracles! This is a beautiful reminder and inspiration to all of us to be thankful for the way God is always working all around us.
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for Ben and each member of the Sauer family and will continue to do so also I am sharing this on my timeline so many other of my Christian friends will pray earnestly!! :)
ReplyDeleteEach and every day is a blessing from God. There are so many praying for Ben and for your whole family. God is good and if it be His will Ben will have many years ahead to share his testimony. You are an inspiration and good always overcomes the bad.
ReplyDeleteHi Mindy -
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you'll ever see or know the impact of your son's life. But I can already see that God is and has and will move mountains through your beautiful little boy.
So thankful to have read his story tonight. So deeply touched & convicted and I mean that. Thank you.
Praying for your beautiful family and for God's healing touch, comfort and overwhelming peace upon your precious son tonight.
- Alyssa
So many are praying for Ben, you, your family and for miracles. Thank you for sharing your family's journey with us, so we can pray without ceasing for each of you! May you have a restful night and wake to more miracles tomorrow.
So beautiful :) my friend Lizzie L., who commented above, told me about your blog. I've been reading and thinking of you all. You are in my prayers. Your family's faith and courage in this time encourages me. Much love and many hugs!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you, but someone posted your blog on a twin site on fb I am a part of. I am a believer too, and your heartbreaking story has caused me to pray and think of your family often. Tonight in my devotions, I was reading about Joshua conquering all of the enemy lands. The thing that stood out to me was it kept saying 'God was fighting for them'. So many miracles were done in those battles, so many odds overcome...... and as I was closing my Bible, and praying, your family immediately came to mind, even though I don't know you. The first thing I said to God was ' wow, God, you can do anything'....and then He brought you to mind. Praying for you, and encouraged to read of the things He is doing for you, in the midst of this difficult time.
ReplyDelete- Stephanie
Tonight, I talked with a friend who was diagnosed with terminal cancer 10 years ago. She said that she lives each day as a gift and knows that God has sustained her...there are still hard days for her as she is more susceptible to illness, but she is here and it doesn't look like she is going anywhere anytime soon. I couldn't help but think about Ben - my prayer is that 10 or 20 or 30 years from now we will all be able to look back on this season and to know that God sustained him. Prayers continue for miracles both big and small and for all of us to be reminded that we are not promised tomorrow. God wants us to live each day with purpose and intention. Mindy and Andy and Ben and Jack and Megan - you are helping us to learn how to do this with grace. I pray that tomorrow would be an especially blessed day, that routine things would be mixed with extraordinary moments of joy and gratefulness.
ReplyDeleteOur family is praying for you. My heart is rejoicing tonight of these mini-miracles. God is good, all the time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing these blessed thoughts. Our Lord is so tender with us.Be assured of our continued prayers from France..."He will feed His flock like a shepherd;
ReplyDeleteHe will gather the lambs with His arm,
And carry them in His bosom,
And gently lead those who are with young." Isaiah 40:11
ReplyDeleteThis made me smile... Ben, along with you all, are so genuine. It makes me realize that everyone is fighting a fight, some bigger than others, but no fight is too big for God. I know he is going to keep doing great things and keep taking care of you, your family, and your Ben.
ReplyDeleteYou are still in my prayers. <3 And by any chance, ... have you heard of Ben Carson?
And the comment he mentioned... "God can do anything", that was what hit me the most. HE CAN... and WILL, Ms. Mindy. He said it for a reason- to remind you, and us what God can do. Don't be surprised when God does keep doing these mini miracles as well as the major one. <3
ReplyDeleteYesterday as a cried a little thinking about how much Jan loved her Irish heritage and enjoyed parades and all things Irish, I praying for all of you and for Ben. Take care. I am praying for more miracles for him. This is Jan's cousin Beverly Brooks Smits
ReplyDeleteOur dear friend Father Jim Erving died early this morning; he was praying for Ben. We are praying now that he is with Jesus to intercede for Ben's miraculous healing!
God is working threw Ben for sure <3 Prayers continue!!
ReplyDeleteYAY! As I read this, I felt my heart growing lighter and lighter. Praise God for these mini miracles!! On Sunday, as part of the worship service, I led the congregation of my church in singing "Healer" by Kari Jobe. I'm sure you've heard of it - it's a wonderful, powerful song. Both times I sang it, I nearly cried and I thought of Ben as I sang the words "Nothing is impossible for You; You hold my world in Your hands". I'm just starting out on my own journey with parenthood - my daughter is 5 months old - but I have already been so challenged by the example by which you are leading. God IS sovereign, my daughter doesn't belong to me but to Him, her purpose in this life is to know Him and bring Him glory as she reflects His love. Thank you for being obedient to God even now and for continuing to trust in His sovereignty! I will keep praying for your family and when I sing or hear Healer, I will have Ben in my heart.
ReplyDeleteWe have never met, but I grew up in Clarence, too, not far from Ledgeview Elementary School on Thompson Rd. 5300 to be exact. We are sisters in Christ. I am heartbroken for you reading about Ben, but so encouraged by the strength of your faith and your understanding that your children are not your own. I will pray for Ben and for your family. Debbie
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog please know you are in my prayers. There are no adequate words I can say to you. I'm sure you get many people offering all sorts of unsolicited advice, but I wanted to ensure you had heard of this cancer treatment center specializing in the type of cancer your son has. It is where you can read about the services there. May you feel God's peace.
ReplyDeleteMindy...your family and Ben have become inter weaved into so many peoples lives...mine being one of them. Thank you for sharing all your emotions in this blog, your fears, tears, strengths, your unwavering faith...and these mini miracles with us all. I believe that God is working through your entire family to help others to grow closer to the Lord, or maybe for the first time even find him. God is so good and knows exactly what he is doing and why. Your family is so loved, and many people are praying for Ben's miracle. I love watching your family come to King's world with Jack, Ben, and Megan...your love for one another and the faith you & Andy have spills upon the kids. Thank you for being so open with all of your emotions, struggles, faith, and all the mini blessings of life that we all sometimes miss and for allowing us to be part of. In God's love, Denise
ReplyDeleteI just seen blue4ben facebook page. We are praying for a miracle for Ben that God will heal him in Jesus Name.. Amen!
ReplyDeleteI continue to pray. I am being encouraged by your posts. I love our God more and more with each word posted!
ReplyDeleteYour family is continually in my prayers! To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory forever, Amen!
ReplyDeleteI just saw this site and I am over whelmed with this inspiring story! I am praying for you and your family. May God bless you all for eternity! Note God does not put on you more than you can handle. You all are very strong in my opinion and you all have made me fall in love with you and your family. You all will be forever in my heart.
ReplyDeleteDear Sauer family, I continue to lift up Ben and you all in prayer, coming across your blog a few weeks ago through a friend who is a Houghton alum (Kelly Dahlseng). May God continue to bless you with more mini and mighty miracles! Ben has such wisdom, it is really astounding. ~Bemnet
ReplyDeletePraise Jesus for those miracles! Our God is BIGGER than any tumor and I am thankful for MORE miracles to come!
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for your son ever since I heard about his story, and I will continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteI have been praying every morning for a miracle to happen. I think about Ben all the time and will continue to keep Ben and all of you in my prayers. I do believe in Miracles and the power of prayer. I've seen it first hand. GOD works in mysterious ways. May GOD Bless your family and watch over and protect Ben
ReplyDeleteAMEN!!! HALLELUJAH is all that I can say!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY TRULY HE IS A MIRACLE WORKER!!! Your son said it HE WILL BE 10 SOME DAY and he will have an awesome testimony to tell. I know of lady right now who due to sickle cell anemia who was told that she would not live pass the age of 10 and she is now 50 + years old and it is all because of God and her faith in him. And its that same faith that you have! I can't wait to hear Ben's testimony someday!
ReplyDeleteMindy, I read this the first time balling my eyes it the second time to my husband...unable to heart goes out to you henry was born 2 months after your boys...the "remember when" conversation is our guy to a t! Im not sure you will even see this but I wanted you to know we pray for ben every night...he truly is loved by so many ��