People have been accrediting me with all sorts of things lately. Most of which I do not deserve.
They say I've been the catalyst for life-changing stuff. That I've been responsible for altering their perspective on things, allowing them to appreciate life more, enjoy their kids more, and love God more. But I honestly do not deserve such praise.
Friends, if you have seen anything good in me, it is not me. It is the Lord.
And I'm not just trying to be humble here. It is the truth.
When I was very very young, I gave my life to Christ. I told Him that He could do with me what He wanted. That I would try and be sensitive to His words and do my best to live in a way that He would be pleased. In exchange, He offered me life that would never end. A joy-filled life filled with hope. Promise. And a good future. Not a bad exchange, if you ask me.
When each of our kids were born, we chose to dedicate them to the Lord. It was a visible way for us to show others that we acknowledged our kids' true Owner. And that together, we would raise them in a way that God would be pleased. To point them to Him. So that someday, they might begin their journey with the only One that could ever give them a meaningful life.
And that, my friends, is exactly what you've been seeing. It is not us, but rather, it is God working inside of us. He is simply taking us up on our offer. He seems to have chosen us - for whatever reason - to remind people that He is still God. He is still on the throne. And that He can be trusted.
As a kid, people would have always classified me as an introvert. Quiet. Shy. Ask anyone I went to school with and they would use the same exact words. As I got older, I grew more confident and found myself in leadership positions. Not because I particularly liked being in charge, but because I found great joy in seeing things done well. Eventually, that meant leading my own classroom and now, being the CEO of my household. As much as someone might try and classify me as an extrovert at times, that quiet little Mindy is still inside of me. And I never feel far away from her. That's also why I prefer to write than speak, whenever I am given the choice. Because I need additional time to process my thoughts. To work them out in front of me. I rarely say what I would have wanted to say if I was just shooting from the hip. I need time. That's just how my mind works.
I say all of this to point out the fact that it is, in fact, GOD inside of me that is making any positive change. People themselves can't change other people. Only God can do that. If you do see any good in me, it is the Lord.
Lately, I've been thinking about the fact that adversity is oftentimes the thing that makes someone who they are. A firefighter isn't a hero until he or she has gone through the fire and survived. A lawyer isn't deemed successful until they've worked hard to win their first big case. A doctor cannot be recommended to others until he or she has successfully helped another person. We need to walk through the fire at times in order to know how much more we could handle. Because that's just a part of life.
Each of those positions are jobs you train for. A police officer knows ahead of time what they are training for, what possibilities to expect. Because that's part of the job, they need to accept and expect it before they begin training. What about a position that doesn't require a license? A notable occupation for which there aren't required classes, degrees or awards?
How about that of a parent?
God didn't send down A Complete Book of Answers for Parenting Your Specific Child the moment we conceived. We pray for wisdom, we seek guidance, we ask for counsel from trusted friends along the way. But there are no real rules. No instructions. No "one right way" to do things.
It's as if we signed a blank check when our kids were born, when we adopted them or when God brought them into our family through another means. We promised to do whatever we could to assist our children to grow into mature, contributing members of society. Of God's kingdom. But one of the risks is the fact that we have no control over how that check will be cashed. Perhaps we would be asked to parent a child with special needs, a birth defect or the one that would grow up and discover the cure for cancer. We are given no guarantees that we won't suffer heartache, difficulty or vast amounts of success. As a parent, we agree to take on whatever challenges our particular child may be blessed with. And we promise that we will love them unconditionally, as long as God entrusts them to us.
Unlike professions like law enforcement or medicine, parents don't always know what they're walking into. That's why it is so important to trust God with our lives. Our kids' lives. Because only He can equip us with exactly what we will need for the road ahead. And to give us the grace - each day - to not only get through each day, but enjoy it to the fullest.
I am nothing special. Just quiet, little Mindy. But let me tell you about my God, who has changed every single aspect of my life for the better. Now He is something to brag about.
This truth feels especially relevant tonight.
We were walking into Carrabba's tonight for Ben's latest pizza/pasta appetite when Ben stumbled. At first, I thought he had tripped over Jack's feet. But holding his hand as we walked through the double doors, I realized that he was leading with his left foot and the right foot was kinda dragging for a few steps behind him. He asked to be picked up because his "legs felt funny." I carried him to a seat and just sat there with Andy and the kids. Stunned. Oh, no. Ben said his eyes were feeling like they wanted to close and that he was beginning to get a headache.
Our hearts sank. Please, God. No.
He recovered quickly and said the headache was gone. I asked if he would stand and walk again. He proved that he could. Initially, we turned around to leave, but when all three kids started crying that they wouldn't get their fill of bread and pasta, we decided to stay and see what happened. We put a call into the doctor and enjoyed a wonderful meal with no other episodes of discomfort.
But let me tell you, I'll be sleeping with one eye open tonight.
It has been such a great few weeks. Up until tonight, Ben has shown no signs of deterioration. No loss of coordination, speech, or memory. But tonight we were reminded - once again - how precious our time is and not to take anything for granted.
I do not feel comfortable operating in my own strength. I need God to walk beside me. To hold my hand. And to carry me when I am no longer strong enough to walk on my own.
Because if it weren't for God's strength, I would have crumbled weeks ago.
Still praying for you and your husband, and your precious children.
ReplyDeletePraying for you and yours tonight, Mindy. Thank you for sharing your heart.
ReplyDeleteLoving you. Loving your family. Thank you for being open and real. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Praising God for healing, no matter how He heals.
ReplyDeleteLove, hugs and prayers.
ReplyDeleteMy BRIGHT blue lights are lit up in my window tonight for Ben...The end of this post filled my eyes with tears. Praying for your son and your family..God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteStill praying a lot and everyday. Ordered my Blue4Ben shirt today too.
ReplyDeleteI love what you wrote tonight. All of it is so very true... I always liked the saying that "when you chose to have children, you make the decision to allow your heart to walk around outside of your body." Bless you all with strength and grace!
ReplyDeleteMy Prayers are with your family and I keep Ben in my prayers every night, I have asked God to lay his loving hands on Ben and grant him a miracle I know he has given you the strength to walk this path and that he is holding your hand every step of the way. I continue to pray for your family.
ReplyDeleteJusy remember, you are allowed to crumble if you need to... b/c you are a mom and you deserve to... but b/c you are a fantastic mom you will get back up the next day... i will say extra extra prayers for your family tonight.
ReplyDeleteI hurt for you tonight Mindy and Andy... I was so excited to see you guys out enjoying dinner, excited that Ben didn't look tired.... My heart sank as I read your post, but then I was tapped on my shoulder.... Our God said, I'm still bigger!
ReplyDeleteWe don't know each other at all; I saw a Facebook friend's link to your blog. Please know that I am praying for you for strength and for peace.
ReplyDeleteContinuing to pray constantly for your family. You are on my mind always. I don't know if it is because my twins are the same age as yours that it hits so deeply but my heart just hurts for you. Your faith and courage are an inspiration and I pray that God continues to carry you through this with a peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you for sharing your heart. Praying BIG prayers for a miracle for sweet Ben.
ReplyDeleteI thank God for your obedience and grace as you walk through this...HE is a GREAT GOD...isn't HE....praying for comfort, peace and equipping power only God can give.....peace of Jesus...sweet family....
ReplyDeleteOur Lord's grace is upon you and your family. His strength will carry you through. Blessings and prayers dear lady.
ReplyDeletePraying for you, your family, and for dear sweet Ben again tonight. May the Lord hold you closely as you walk this road. Praying for a miracle.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI cry every time I read your posts. You have changed my heart in so many ways...your full trust in Him, your hope, your love. It's a hard thing to do. God bless you always-.
ReplyDeleteMy sweet friend, we are praying without ceasing. <3
all of us other quiet people are sending prayers to help hold you up, love from Gainesville, Florida
ReplyDeleteGod is walking beside you. In you. Around you at all times. I can only imagine your strength because I know I have none when thinking about you. My wife and I found a lot of strength and hope in Eckhert Tolle's "The Power of Now" if you need something to help you. You are doing exactly what you should be doing: In The Moment living. I am in awe of you and your family and am sending daily prayers. God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I pray for you all every day. THANK YOU for sharing your story and for your Godly example. May He shower His grace upon you all constantly.
ReplyDeleteMindy, your witness and testament to God's love and strength already proves that Ben's life and journey IS a miracle. The miracle is that God works through us all to unite us in His love and express His will. Our family will continue to pray for the next miracle that will spare Ben. All our love to your family!!
ReplyDeleteLove, thoughts and prayers for you, Ben and the rest of the family. Your strength, your faith, you way of expression is extrodinary and it is inspirational.
ReplyDeleteDear Mindy, God is and has always been pleased with you. And His love shines through the sweet spirit He has given you.
ReplyDeleteSaying an extra prayer for Ben and your family tonight!
ReplyDeleteWhether I post on your blog or any other Blue4Ben post, I hope you know that my prayers and heart are with Ben and your entire family (Dad, Mom, Jack, Megan, grandparents, aunts, uncle's, etc.) each day.
ReplyDeleteI feel that I live in prayer for all of you at various points throughout my day. It seems I come in contact with another individual who brings about a thought of Ben and those who are closest to him. I take a moment right there and then to remember each of you in prayer.
May all witness God's miracle and may you all be comforted and strengthened by His love!
I think of u all often.. hold on tight to that little boy as u have and god will watch over u..
ReplyDeleteThat boy is tougher than any grown man I know. Stumbles, legs feel funny, has a headache, and then says he's fine, gets up and walks, and wants to eat bread and pasta. I know he told you the other day he's almost a man, but I have news for him, he's already a man. I will be up late praying and wearing my blue like always. Can't wait to hear about what fun things you guys do tomorrow.
Ben is always in my thoughts and prayers! Praying tonight that God will hold your hand tight for some extra strength for you and your family. <3
ReplyDeleteI do not know you, like many on here. My heart aches for you daily. I am praying for your little Ben and your whole family. You are an amazing mama!
ReplyDeleteIts true the Lord is with you and your family but I have to say you are the strongest Mom I have never met. The love for our Savior is Brilliant! Thank you for sharing I will keep you all in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers, I pray often that I can be such an example of God living through me as you do. We've had our share of miscarriages,(5) and it sure has given me the strength and need for his help, guidance and him holding my hand through them all. He is in control and loves us even more then we could love him I think. God Bless and love in Christ, Trish!!!
ReplyDeletePraying for you. God is with you.
ReplyDeleteMindy--I'm praying for you and your sweet family every day! Praying that God will keep holding your hand, holding you up, every step of this journey! Praying for your twins--both Jack and Ben--and little Megan. Thanking Him for your "mini-miracles!" What a beautiful post--especially Ben's "remember whens"! AH! <3 Thanking God that you are a vessel, allowing His love to flow through. . . praying earnestly that He will continue to give you strength as you walk through the valley.
ReplyDeleteI keep asking God why after 40 years do I still have the desire to have a child and lack that gift. I lost my baby early in my pregnancy. It was devastating. I was depressed (in bed, barely functioning) for 6 months straight. I couldn't breathe. All I wanted was a child and the only pregnancy I ever experienced, I lost. I have question God, even though I know better. I now understand the blessing in that situation but it still is heartwrenching every Jan 30 come around (my due date) my child would have been 6 years old this year. My reason for sharing this is...God knows best. He knows what I can handle and what I can't. I know I've been protected even during the darkest days of my life. Things could have been so much worse. I can't question God with a right mind. I know what it was he saved me from. I am thankful HE loves me that much to protect me from what could have been. My thought is with your situation, God gave you this time, and everyday is not promised for any of us. Ben can out live you or your husband. We don't know 5 minutes from now. I wish the pain you have in your heart wasn't there. I wish the pain in my heart wasn't there either. But we have to let Him do his job and trust that he knows whats best for us. I pray so hard for your family, and I pray Ben outlives all of us. It's not impossible, because with Jesus, he says ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. I am STANDING ON THE WORDS he has given to us. "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19 Ben is in Gods hands. I wish there was something we can do for you. It hurts us to know you guys are hurting. I can't imagine what you are going through but I do know it is your journey that has been mapped out for your testimony. So many people are touched by your strength, and God is using your situation to help other mothers and fathers deal with situations they are dealing with. Praise God during the hard times...God bless you and your family.
ReplyDeleteMay God continue to be your true comfort and resting place as you walk through this. My heart breaks for your family, yet God is using this platform that you have gained through this trial to be glorified. Thank you for pointing to Jesus. For being an example of glorifying God through suffering. And keep looking unto Jesus. All things are possible with Him!
ReplyDeleteGod is in control. Praying for you and your family each day and night. Thanking God for the "jewels" he is giving you each day. May you feel His arms around you! God bless... Dave and Kelly Cherry (friends of Nicole Argo)
ReplyDeleteYour courage, faith and strength is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing Ben's story.
ReplyDeleteI pray that God's grace and peace continue to be with and fill you. Mindy, you and your family ARE an inspiration. God is doing an AWESOME work through you! I pray for you and your sweet Ben daily. He is a soldier and you are a warrior for The Lord. Surely your eloquence and faith are divine! I am praying for you.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers for you as you walk with and support your son and yourself on this difficult journey. We never know when our time with our loved ones will be cut short. At least we had them for however long God gave them to us to treasure in this life. To us it does not seem long enough, especially when it is a child.
ReplyDeleteEven though I haven't met you guys, my heart has so much love for you all! Praying for you right now <3
ReplyDeletecontinuously praying and sending good thoughts and love. believing in a miracle!!
ReplyDeleteSpecial prayers for you, tonight, Mindy. Of course for Ben and your whole family too. <3
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing testimony Mindy. Continuing prayers for Ben.....may his walking/balance/coordination be restored and may the headaches cease!
ReplyDeletePraying for your family. Faith before fear. Jeremiah 29:11-13
ReplyDeleteMe as well today....thank God he hears my heart when I have no words!
Deletethank you so much for your testimony and faithful sharing of the Gospel! So many are listening and watching. Originally from Western NY myself and I love that you are giving God through Jesus the glory! We continue to pray for Ben's healing!
ReplyDeleteYou are ever in our prayers
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if all the responses you get are encouraging or if they start to blend together but for the sake of erring on the side of caution, I thought I would post something. My heart aches along with all the others who read your words and desperately and feverently pray along side of your family for Ben's divine and holy healing. When I read what you write and hear your heart, I feel connected to you. Not because I have twins or a child with a severe illness but because we pray to the same God and trust Him and Him alone. I read what you write and I feel like I'm looking at my own thoughts given from a Sovereign God waring for His rightly place in our hearts. You somehow articulate a glimpse of the indescribable and inexplicable way that He breathes peace and wisdom and grace into the darkest of hours. And that my sister in Christ is why you are admired. It was what people admired about Mother Teresa, about Billy Graham, about Jesus . . . people are desperate for a holy perspective. I praise God that He gifted you and that you use His gifts for His glory. It pains me that it through such heartache and suffering. I continually lay your family at His feet and pray "Thank you Lord you hear us and that you always hear us and because the people are watching, please heal Ben that they may believe" (inspired by the prayer of Jesus in John 11:42).
ReplyDeleteStill praying for little Ben and your family. Keep fighting little buddy.....
ReplyDeleteWe are one body and when you hurt, we hurt. Today I ask God to relieve your heartache and allow me to carry it ~ if only for a moment.
ReplyDeleteI'm living in Serbia and through a friend I got to know about you and your family. You all are in my prayers.
I can only wish that I had the full confidence that you have in God. I am a believer but through a few rough years have lost several dear family members sooner than should have been. My heart aches for you because I know what it feels like to see those you love fade away knowing that time is in God's hands and I have nothing to control that. Yes I have confidence knowing that one day we will be united but the ache of their absence is intense and a day doesn't go by that I don't miss them. So enjoy what days you have with all of your family because each day is a present from God. God Bless you in the days ahead!
ReplyDeletePraying everyday for your family and the gift of healing and time. I pray everyday that you get another day with your precious Ben!
ReplyDeleteThe mere fact that you are able to muster any thoughts and be able to write so eloquently during this time in your lives, is a sure sign that God is working within you. He needs YOU to spread HIS word, and HIS work, so that others may find HIM, be reminded of HIM, be guided by HIM. You are an angel, for HIM, and mostly for Ben, Jack, Megan, and Andy. Words cannot express the amount of respect, gratitude, and amazement I have for you and your family. Many prayers, love, and healing.
ReplyDeleteMindy God bless you and your precious heart! Thank you for being an inspiration and a testimony to others, as you walk this painful path. In Christ Alone!
ReplyDeleteDon't let go...He is there for you, for you we all continue to pray for those daily 'little' miracles......personally, I am asking God for a big one!
ReplyDeleteI am sure that you do not have time to read all of your responses and I appreciate that I have been given the opportunity to offer prayers for your family. That is enough. All you say is what our hearts know to be true and need to be reminded of. Thank you for allowing us all to be with you on this journey. Our prayers will only grow stronger and more fervent.
ReplyDeleteYou are right..."In our weakness, He is strong!" I agree with all that Lauren Lee wrote (even though i don't know her:) ). It is that holy perspective that you long for, that you have surrendered to, that speaks volumes to others. God is using you in powerful ways! Thanks again for being real, for being honest, and for being faithful. Praying for you, for Ben and for your entire family! (friend of Stan and Di Friesen)
ReplyDeleteGod's grace is amazing! AND His promise to always be with us! Thank you for sharing from your heart. Please know that not only my large family, but our church as well, is praying for you and your family daily! We serve a BIG God who watches over us...Well done, Mindy and are a blessing from Him because of your obedient to and love FOR Him!
ReplyDeleteIsnt it amazing to think that Our God knew of all of this before Ben was even born? He is Soveriegn and He is Good. He is trustworthy. To Job he says... .where were you when i laid the foundations of the earth? Our God is more wise than we are capable of understanding. Like a parent to a child....he sees more, knows more and always desires the best for His children. Keep trusting your Father. I have been praying for God to heal your son because i know He is able. Whatever His will, may you find peace in God being glorified. much love and many many prayers.
ReplyDeleteAmen... Thank you... Many prayers for your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you Father that you are a God who heals, thank you for restoration power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead heals Ben and brings him to complete restoration. I speak to that tumor and tell it to shrink in Jesus name! By the stripes of Jesus!
ReplyDeleteI won't lie, I know I'd be raging against God and all the heavens if I was in your situation. Probably wasted time, emotion, and energy, but I know I'd be angry beyond belief. God does promise "even until your old age and grey hairs" he will sustain each of us. I've never understood having peace in the midst of a storm - if he can take it away, and he can, then he ought to. I see your Ben well, I see him living to his old age and grey hairs, I see him laughing and playing and growing up with his brother Jack and sister Megan. I have seen his brain healthy, whole, renewed and in the name of Jesus, I speak health, wholeness, and wellbeing into every fiber of his being from the top of his head to the soles of his feet and everything in between. Ben is a precious and mighty child of almighty God and I simply declare that he will live and not die in the name of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteDitto! By the POWER of the blood of Jesus! AMEN!
DeleteHugs, Mindy! You're taking one day at a time beautifully. You're smiling with your children and giving them great gifts along the way!
ReplyDeleteI am praying for Ben and your family daily. Often several times a day. I am having test done and going through therapy. Yesterday while having an MRI and listening to Casting Crowns I prayed several times for Ben. I ask The Lord to shrink and remove the tumor if it is HIS will. To be with your family and place his loving arms around all of you.
ReplyDeleteWe pray for your family daily, as on this spring day, it marks 5 years since my father in law died from this same horrible disease. It was a very sad time to watch all that he went through from start till the day he went to be with the lord. It was sad for us left behind, not for him. Please no matter what, do not let it harden your heart as it did to some in our family. We pray little Ben does not ever have to go through the process this disease takes no matter what the lord decides! <3
ReplyDeleteWe are absolutely praying for your miracle, along with strength, hope, faith, endurance, and peace that comes along with resting in God's plan. My children are also praying for Ben and will be at school tomorrow, wearing blue in his honor, along with donations for his incredible cause. We love you and you're not alone!
ReplyDeleteStill praying. How beautiful to see God's grace just showered down upon you while you carry this cross. Thank you for sharing that with us.
ReplyDeleteOne of the greatest sufferings I have experienced is being helpless as a family member suffers a life threatening illness. The kind when the doctors look sadly at you, explaining they have no other treatment to offer, then look down at the floor. From this I discovered in myself that I had had a sort of expectation that modern medicine can cure or mitigate almost everything. But in the last few years I have discovered how very wrong I am.
ReplyDeleteThe other suffering is knowing and watching the illness take its toll. An overwhelming fear involuntarily grips your heart and a panic comes over you, a throat closing anguish that blocks rational thinking fill your brain. Stunned silence. Helplessness.
At that time the spirit of the person you love seems like water in your hands, something that may be held briefly but can't be grasped. Time is speeding forward like a bullet train. And you are faced with the stunning realization this is something you can't control.
In our everyday life we turn to the Lord to thank Him for His goodness and His blessings, but in these moments of crises, we rush to Him and cling to His feet, bathing them with tears, simply begging. He will lift us and carry us. We still will not be in control, but we trust Our Lord to care for every detail, and we recognize His lordship over life and death, and bow to it.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
How difficult to say those words with a sincere heart when we are tested, like Abraham was with Issac, like Mary was with Jesus.
Mindy, if you gave your heart to the Lord as a young person, and promised to follow and serve Him, then this is the path. He may heal Ben, or He may take Ben home; I don't know. But He will keep His promises to you. That I know for sure.
I continue to pray for Ben and his healing, and that you and Andy are sustained in faith as you go through this trial by fire. Peace be with you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI, too, slept with one eye open, praying every time I woke with Ben and your family on my mind. I'm HOPING today was incident free. Love, energy and prayers to all of you.
ReplyDeletePraying for Ben and your family from Chattanooga,tn. Our woman's bible study is also sending prayers upwards!
ReplyDeleteMy prayers
ReplyDeleteare with you and your family, and especially Ben. God's arms are surely wrapped around him :)
Again you leave me speechless...thank you for spreading the word of God!! May God be with you and your family...Not giving up HOPE!!! Endless prayers...
ReplyDeleteThankful for your words and strength that God is giving you its an amazing testimony ! I pray for your family and love the pictures of hope that we see from here .. how beautiful !
ReplyDeleteSo many posts, and mine is just another one... but I firmly believe that EVERY prayer makes a difference -- and I do hope that knowing the sheer volume of prayers going out for all of you brings courage and comfort. I am praying for Ben's healing -- miraculously -- with all the visualizing, intercessory ability I have. I am also praying for Jack and Megan -- as this experience shapes them in countless ways. I pray that each day there is a little bit of laughter for each of you -- some funny little thing, a smile, a goofy grin. I hope that you are recording the voices of your children. Just run a recorder while you are doing normal things -- when this time is past, whatever the outcome, you will value those little voices. Hugs from South Carolina
ReplyDeletePraying for a miracle!
ReplyDeletePlease God have mercy upon Ben!
My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. As you have posted, all of these prayers being said on Ben's behalf have brought him this far. God is in the miracle business, so, I am just going to keep praying for one for him.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
This was beautifully written. Thank you for sharing. I will keep praying!
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that I am praying for you and for many more miracles. My heart aches for you and your husband and I want more than anything for Ben to be healed. Your words of hope and comfort are amazing to me when it is you who is going through this pain...yet you are the one giving comfort to us. My sister also follows your posts and we cry together. She has twins. One of which had a brain tumor and lost her fight when she was 2.5. My sister feels your pain. Please know there are many prayers going out for you. Ben sounds like he is an angel here on earth. It's always the strongest ones that have to go through this. Thank you for sharing your stories and journey with us.
I am Mom and Grandmother and I can't imagine what you and your family are feeling. I pray for Ben,you,your husband and your family, I know God is with you,this I have no doubt. I know there is much more I can say but I will keep praying, We don't always understand God, but he is love and he is with you. Mary. I will pray to the Blessed Mary and St Anne the patron saint of Grandmothers
ReplyDeleteI am Mom and Grandmother and I can't imagine what you and your family are feeling. I pray for Ben,you,your husband and your family, I know God is with you,this I have no doubt. I know there is much more I can say but I will keep praying, We don't always understand God, but he is love and he is with you. Mary. I will pray to the Blessed Mary and St Anne the patron saint of Grandmothers
ReplyDeleteI am Mom and Grandmother and I can't imagine what you and your family are feeling. I pray for Ben,you,your husband and your family, I know God is with you,this I have no doubt. I know there is much more I can say but I will keep praying, We don't always understand God, but he is love and he is with you. Mary. I will pray to the Blessed Mary and St Anne the patron saint of Grandmothers
ReplyDeleteI wake up during the night and pray for Ben...and all of you. Morning, noon, or night...someone is in prayer with you all the time.
ReplyDeleteHave been praying for you and your brave little boy.
ReplyDeleteMay God carry you through this Mindy.... Praying for Ben all the time....
ReplyDeleteStill praying so hard for you guys. All of my Lenten sacrifices are going your way.
ReplyDeleteMay the Queen of Heaven turn her eyes of Mercy towards this intention, and may she intercede for us to her Beloved Son, Jesus, that we are granted a miracle to testify to His Love.
Praying and thinking of Ben and your family constantly. Lifting all of you up in prayer. Asking God to shine His glory upon your family. In His love,
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you all, through your words, strength, faith & hope; GOD has chosen you to reach out to so many others. He has a plain for each one us, a destination for each one us, a calling for each one us. Sometimes; his miracles are just that; so I will continue to pray for just that!! Prayers, & love to Ben & his family!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see Ben's face I can't stop the tears. He is so beautiful. I wish I could hold your whole family and never let you go. This world is so broken but we have a God who is Mighty and Sufficient. I want you to know that I feel so much love for your family and I am daily bearing your burdens and kneeling before the King of Kings to supplicate for you.
ReplyDeleteUp until today I had no idea what Blue 4 Ben was all about. The first time I heard it mentioned was at work and then today I seen it on Facebook so that sparked my interest. I headed straight to Google and I was brought to this site. The word of God says that thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and the light shall shine upon thine ways (Job 22:28). Therefore I decree on this wonderful Sabbath Day THAT YOUR SON WILL BE HEALED COMPLETELY and THAT THERE WILL BE NO SIGNS OF DETERIORATION,LOSS OF COORDINATION,SPEECH OR MEMORY for BEN HAS BEEN HEALED!!! The bible asks Is there anything to hard for God? (Genesis 18:14) I am here today to tell you NO THERE IS NOTHING TO HARD FOR GOD. But I think you already know that YOUR FAITH IS ASTONISHING and I pray that our heavenly father will continue to strengthen you as well as your family and as you said carry you when you can't walk. I thank you for the words that you shared they were uplifting and encouraging and I pray that all of us will value the time that God has given to us and our love ones. I recently starting starting selling my sons clothing on Instagram and after learning of Blue 4 Ben I must be apart therefore a portion of all my sales will be donated to this cause. From my family to yours WE LOVE YOU (for the bible says love thy neighbor as thyself) and we are praying for you all!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Mindy,
ReplyDeleteBelow is an email from a friend who's son had a cancerous tumor on his spine (i think) and was treated with proton beam radiation. I'm sure your doctors have explored every option, but I couldn't help but pass this along, just in case! Continuing to pray for you all many times a day!
My husband, Alex Abbott, asked me to send you some info on proton beam radiation. This is the type of radiation that we chose for our son since it is purported to be less damaging to healthy tissue while still effectively treating the malignant tissue. Here is the center where Cooper was treated:
That link gives lots of great info on how proton is different. Not sure where your friend is located, but there are several other centers to choose from including one in Hampton, VA. We were unable to use that center since they did not have an anesthesia team setup, but perhaps by now they have one in place. Alex mentioned that your friend's child has a brain tumor and I believe that proton is used quite a bit for treating those since all brain tissue is vital and precision is key!
Please tell your friend that if he/she needs any information, please pass along my email address. I am happy to share Cooper's story with them and pass along any info or refer them to some online groups that can help them weight their treatment options for their little one. I am so sorry that your friend is facing this and will certainly keep them in our prayers.
Anne Abbott
Isaiah 55 8-11
ReplyDelete8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Mindy, Thank you again for sharing. I couldn't agree more that we grow most in the toughest times. That David wouldn't have been who he was without Goliath. I have found that to be true in my own experiences – although at the time of difficulty I must admit that I wasn’t feeling very thankful. Sometimes I was even angry. But in hindsight, my life has been perfect – even those very difficult times. Over time, I have been able to come to be grateful for most of them because I can see the growth that He brought to me as a gift of those experiences. I have made it my goal to use these gifts to try to be a blessing for others, instead of being so focused on myself as I was for many years. I also have found that, when I give all the credit to Him, that the blessings continue both for me and those that He intends to help thru my humble and inadequate words. I can see by your blog that you understand this principal too – such wisdom in a person so young is incredible to me.
ReplyDeleteWe will continue to pray for Ben, you and your family on your journey. He will bring all of you the strength and wisdom you need because He loves you and is proud of you for what you are doing for all of us, even in such a great time of difficulty. God bless.
Mindy I see God in you - over and above - and I, along with you - know that God deserves all the glory. He uses us - and gives us the ability to speak into others lives - and that is happening through you as you walk this incredibly hard journey with God. I will be praying still for you all - especially for Ben, but as parents - you need an added strength. And the other kids too. God knows what we need - when and how. We continue to pray for a miracle - and only God knows about that and what that miracle will look like. It is a privilege to "hold your arms up" … May you in turn continue to feel the tangible arms of the Saviour - embracing you, leading you - holding you - guiding you. Love and prayers, Joy, from Manitoba, Canada -
ReplyDeleteHi Mindy's family I felt so sad when my Daughter told me about Ben's story and she told me to pray with my prayer group. My group and I will continue to pray for Ben to Our Merciful God to do HIS miracle. May Our God give you the strength and power to endure this very hard situation. Letina from Rochester, NY.
ReplyDeleteWe are still praying for God's Devine healing and comfort. Please continue to post updates on Ben. God bless.
ReplyDeleteMindy, Realizing this is humbling to hear but knowing it is all Christ living and shining through you, with all the Glory being displayed to Him, You, sweet lady are a remarkable woman. Your acknowledgment of our Lords strength filling you with every bit of ability to endure such a journey as this is an inspiration to every one. Your precious Ben is in prayer for Gods very best healing, as we continue holding you and your dear family in prayer as well. God bless you all and thank you Mindy for your faith, encouragement and being the inspiration you are to all of us. Oh and how you give God the full glory - well doing good and faithful servant. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHello :-) I would like it very much if my wife and I could have breakfast with you and your family in your home. We brought the Healing Hunter gift card to your son's benefit. I am sure that you are incredibly busy right now so we wouldn't take up much of your time. is my email address, and my name is Eric. Pray about it. God will tell you what to do :-)
ReplyDeleteI worked with Andy Sauer at HSBC for many years, and he is a great man. I know Ben is a fighter. I have been praying for The Sauer Family since I first heard about Ben. I have my Blue lights on, they are never off.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you can let me know thru facebook maybe when NASA will be taking our pictures from space? And where can I buy a T-Shirt? My 4 year old son, says his prayers EVERY night, and your family and Ben are included in it. May God Bless your family. Thank you. And Keep fighting Ben, God Bless.
I've been praying for you in Cincinnati, Ohio for weeks. I think of your beautiful family often throughout my day. There is such wisdom in your words. I have two boys and a heart breaks for you. My prayers for your peace won't stop.
ReplyDeleteI've been praying for your family here in Jacksonville, Fla., ever since I stumbled on a Facebook post sharing one of your blog entries. Ben sounds like a wonderful little guy. I have a son, too, who is 5, and he is my little sunshine. Perhaps you've already talked to your doctor about all possibilities, but have you discussed proton radiation therapy? A place here in Jacksonville, the UF Proton Therapy Institute, is known all over the world for treating pediatric brain tumors. They work with Wolfson's Children's Hospital, which is also here in Jacksonville. Miracles are performed there every day, so I had to tell you in case there was any possibility this could be your miracle. Their website is Prayers and love to Ben and your whole family.
Tiffany Wilson
Dear Mindy,
ReplyDeleteI know Leanna (Bunnel) Canby, and have been praying without ceasing for your family. Today I am weeping and crying out to heaven again for you. For him to strengthen you and hold you up. God uses all things for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. even when it doesn't make sense. covering you all
Diana (Winnicki) Houseknecht
ReplyDeleteplease allow me to commend you for your incredible strength and the witness you provide for the Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot fathom the depth of your sorrow or fear. The fact that you so eloquently share your story with others is a testament to you as a human being(mother wife and daughter) and our Holy Father. I continue to pray for you and your family. Thank for giving me that privilege