So many questions have surrounded us over the past few weeks. Namely, why?
Why Ben? Why our family? Why now?
As I've mentioned before, Ben is very tired. Weak. The same steroids that are keeping him from experiencing pain from the swelling of the tumor is the same thing that is making his leg muscles almost nonexistent. He can barely walk on his own. And the cancerous tumor in his brain is pushing the existing healthy brain, making him fatigued and giving him a hard time coming up with certain words.
Last night was the first time he had to call Andy to carry him from his bed to the bathroom in the middle of the night. And he couldn't stand to urinate either. Just didn't have the strength to do it. I'm glad we moved the video monitor to the boys' room and I had the volume turned up, or I'm not sure we would have been able to hear his little voice calling for his dad.
Today, he talked about his lower back hurting, partly because of the excessive bulge in the middle of his stomach. He didn't want to even try and walk. But ever since Andy told him it would make him stronger to keep using his muscles, Ben has been determined to walk whenever he can. He's still holding onto our arms and he waddles like a 38-week pregnant woman carrying twins... not that I would know what that looked like or anything... but he's determined to do it. Such a fighter.
He insisted on a drive to the store this morning since we only had two cans of Fatter Spatter left. For those of you who don't know, it's pretty much the best (and most expensive) silly string there is! He wanted Daddy to take him, so Andy had to take him in the jogging stroller. There would be no walking on this trip. And when he got home to use his new silly string, he had to sit in a chair and rely on his good aim to defend himself from his brother's attacks. Because there would be no standing either.
Still, it's easy for us to ask why? Just four months ago, he was riding the new scooter he had gotten from Santa through our kitchen and jumping off the couch, pretending the rug was hot lava. He was so healthy! So active!
Why, God? We just don't understand!
But do you want to know something amazing?
Ben has never asked why. Not even once.
He's never asked why he had to spend all that time in the hospital. Why his legs aren't strong anymore. Why he doesn't have the energy to play outside with his siblings. Why fruits and veggies just don't appeal to him anymore. Why his belly is so big. Why he has to take all of this medicine. Why he got a bump in his head and not his brother. He's never even asked why half of his hair is missing.
Jack, my inquisitive firstborn, hasn't either. Immediately after Ben's hair fell out, Jack asked, "Mom, why is Ben missing all of that hair?" I told him it was because of the medicine he got while in Roswell. "Oh," was his response. And that was that. And a few days after that, after we had told them we were pregnant, he patted his hand on Ben's bulging belly and said, "Wow, Ben, your belly is getting big. Are you sure you don't have a baby in there?" We all laughed - including Ben - and that was it.
My kids ask questions about everything. You should hear our car rides! "Mom, can God lift up a house? Is God magic? What did they do with the skin they punched out when they pierced your ears?"
The other day, out of the blue, Jack asked why God didn't answer our prayers and heal Grandma Sauer from cancer. They remember attending her funeral this past October. They watched her fast decline. Her hair loss, her lack of energy. They saw it all unfold, right in front of her eyes. And we prayed. For peace. For strength. For comfort.
What Jack didn't realize is that God had extended her life for more than twelve years. And she had battled cancer since even before he was born. God had done so much to see that they could meet their Grandma Sauer, get to know her. That was a lot of extra time God had granted, when death had knocked on her door years before I even met Andy. What a beautiful conversation to be able to have with my four-year-olds.
My mother-in-law never asked why either. And trust me, she could have had reason to. She lost her husband to heart disease in 2000 and then one year later, was in the car when her son Tommy got in a head-on collision with a semi. He was eighteen and the youngest of Andy's four brothers. Initially, paramedics left the woman who was thrown twenty feet from the vehicle for dead and went to Tommy's aid. He didn't make it. My mother-in-law received more than 1,200 staples in her head and somehow, survived. They grafted skin onto her face to try and piece it back together and make it look normal. I truly have never met a more resilient woman.
Years later, she would receive the devastating diagnosis of cancer, just after Andy and I were married in 2007. A sacrcoma in her leg. This was just another step in the life of this faith-holding, God-loving woman. She carried herself with grace. With dignity. And she continued fighting. She never once questioned God's motives. She leaned on Him for strength while she underwent chemo and radiation. As she lost her hair, asked me to shave it off because it itched so much, and then searched for wigs. She always bragged about God's grace, His mercy, His love. The Lord allowed her to invest in seven of her grandchildren, ride proudly in the St. Patrick's Day Parades every year, and live in close contact with each of her three sons. And God even provided a wonderful man for her to marry - a widower who had also lost his wife to cancer - for her last year of life on earth.
God not only answered our prayers, He went above and beyond in His blessings.
So perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that my kids are fighters. That they don't play the victim, get frustrated with God and ask, "Why ME!?" It must be a Sauer family thing.
Just another reason why I am so very proud to have married into such an amazing family with such a beautiful heritage.
I am so inspired with every blog post, Mindy..... Thank you for getting ME through each day... Blessings to you all...
ReplyDeleteKeep fighting, Ben. We are fighting with you in prayer! You are such a special little boy, and your life matters to all of us, and most of all to God. May He heal you and bless you, sweet Ben!
ReplyDeleteGod bless each and everyone as He continues to hold you and carry you through. God's gift of His grace and mercy be a double dose to comfort with His peace!
ReplyDeleteShe was my hero and Ben is my superhero!
ReplyDeleteA special woman, that JR.
DeleteI have a suspicion they get a great deal of it from their mom, too. Call it a hunch ;)
ReplyDeleteYes we are Victors not victims of our circumstances. More than Conquerors through Him who loves us. I was just wondering if you would consider a second oppinion with CCS Oncology for Ben? I had a big lump and cancerous tumor. Started treatment last yr and to my surprize after three wks at this second oppinion that I didn't get half the rad I needed! Wow I thought. Now I finished with Dr. Yi at CCS Oncology in Lkpt. But they have 7 locations. No more chemo even and just 4. More wks of rad. They have a spcial one for brain tumors. Allison from Kings world at the Chapel mailed you the blue healing scriptures and that folder from Oncology. If mine got changed and better so can Ben to. Please call to see. God bless you and give you wisdom and strength what to do. In Jesus Name A-men
DeleteI am continuing to pray for your family.
ReplyDeleteoh mindy that was so beautiful . it just amazes me the strength you have as a mother . you have taught so many things through your posts and watching you through pictures, i know also pray .. i pray ben will get a miracle and that he didnt have to be in such pain that sadens me so much ben and your family are in my heart and thoughts daily .. and although you dont say why i still do..god bless you all..oxxo
ReplyDeleteEvery word. Every post. Every fundamental reason to crumble, you provoke the reason for believing in His grace. Every time. Awe-inspiring.
ReplyDelete: )
ReplyDeleteI loved Janet and she was a fighter. I always had so much fun with her and learned so much from her in the process. Thank you for allowing us to be with you on this journey.I hope you know just how much like Janet your posts seem to me. Showing God's love and grace through these difficult times. Continued prayers for all of you to have strength and a miracle.
ReplyDeleteThe strength of your entire family overwhelms me. But I know your deep, enduring faith gives you the ability to accept and not question. I continue to ask God to bless all of you.
ReplyDeleteMindy, I continue to Pray for you. I will say a prayer in this post but first I want to draw your attention to Andrew Wommack. If you dont already know him, he preaches healing. He talks a lot about the power of the tongue and our faith when it comes to healing. It will help immensely. It says in the bible that it is already Gods will for us to have healing. By the Stripes of Jesus we are healed. We just have to cast out and condemn any disbelief. If your heart have received the gift of faith Ben can be healed in two seconds.
Lord I lift Benjamin Sauer to you. I thank you that by your stripes Ben is healed in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over Ben and his family and I cast out and condemn any disbelief anyone may have in the name of Jesus. I speak to Bens tumor and by the power of Jesus I command it to shrink. I thank you Lord Jesus that you provide Ben with divine health. I thank you that you destroy any pain in Bens body. I speak the power of your peace over Ben and his family and I pray in Jesus name you presence is whole and tangible to their family as we all come together to pray. Lord I thank you for the sacrifice you made on the cross so we may have ultimate healing. It is finished Ben is healed. May the power of Jesus cast the pain and Cancer out of Bens body. Amen
Amen!! I will pray this prayer every day for Ben as well for me. God bless you!
DeleteYes, what a prayer in Jesus Name! I agree to. Jesus said in Matt. 18:19 where two or three agree Jesus is in the middle! I watch Andrew to. Go to his website. He is going to be in Toronto Canada April 24th. HEhas even said on tv that he has laid his hands on people with tumors and felt them go down by God's healing power. He has a series called, God wants you well. And you already got it. I have them both. I got into the Word more when I got sick with cancer. But for some reason got lead to get a second oppinion. I had my healing scriptures to. We have to speak to our mountain to. Which is this brain tumor according to Mark 11:23. Whosoever, that is us, shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and cast in the sea and not doubt but believe that those things will come to pass ye shall have what ye saith. So we speak to this Mountain of brain tumor in Ben and we command it to be removed and cast in the sea. Zechaniah 4:7 says, oh you great mountain you will become a plain. And Nahum 1:9 says that this Affliction will not rise up a second time. Also Malachi 4:2 The Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His Wings. In Jesus Mighty Name. A-men. So e it.b
DeleteAMEN and AMEN!!!! Praying with you!
DeleteAmen !
DeleteAmen ^^
ReplyDeleteBen and your family is in our prayers! Stay strong
ReplyDeleteFather God,
ReplyDeleteThe God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. This is a prayer going up to you for your child, Ben Sauer for healing. Father we know this is one of the reasons you sent Jesus Christ down here to die for make a way for us to receive healing as well, not just salvation. Father, it says in your word "by his stripes we are by the time Jesus Christ got those stripes we are healed. Father God we also know that nothing is impossible for you, Luke 1:37 , which means there is no sickness you can't heal us from. It might be impossible for man, but you are not man Father God. You are the same God who created everthing out of you can heal your child who is suffering from this sickness that is trying to take him out! Father God, take your hand right now and give Ben a healing touch. Have your healing hand dissolve every single cancer cell and every other sickness that is attacking. Father we know that the enemy will attack anyone that is a threat to his kingdom. Father God, your child who this prayer is for will live and not die from any sickness. I speak life into his body. He is healed! He is Abraham's seed and errors to the promise, (Galations 3:29) Father look at your child, this sickness is trying to kill him! He is Abraham's seed and you made a promise to Abraham.By his stripes all of Abraham's seeds will be healed. You are the lord who heals us, Exodus 15:26.You are worthy Father God there is none like you. Deuteronemy 7:15 says you can take away ALL sicknesses. Father God, sicknesses are the diseases that you put on our enemies. Remove it from off of your child, Ben. Remove that cancer from in the midst of him. Father you send your word to heal all of our diseases psalm 1 11:20. Deliver your child from this cancer, and every other sickness on his body as your healing hands is on him. Father , I pray that you have your healing hand search out every cell of every sickness and every root of every disease. Destroy it! Don't let any sickness take your child, Jesus Christ didn't suffer for nothing. You said in Psalm 34:19 you'll deliver all, you even guard our bones, that none shall be broken. The second thing I pray for is a restoration healing...we know that cancer and treatment for it can damage the said in your word Jeremiah 30:17, you restore health! Just as you did with Job, he was sick! After he didn't curse you, you restored his health! Restore the health of your child, Ben. Put energy back in his body! Restore any cells that might have been damaged by this cancer. Father God, we also pray from this point forward that you protect Ben from sicknesses ever attacking him again. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over Ben and father put a protection shield around him..a shield to specifically to protect him from sickness and from demons that cause sicknesses. Father , Satan sends so many demons to people with missions to put sicknesses on them. This shield must protect Ben from any demons sent to put back any sicknesses on him. Father God in Matthew 8 :16 all those who were sick were healed. According to your word Father God, you could not refuse to heal your child that this prayer is going up for. It says in your word, you are the healer and we are Abraham's seed. We have seen a lot of scriptures spoken in this prayer that proves that you have no other choice but to heal us, Including Ben. Father the last thing I pray is that Ben and his family see's your hand in all of this and that you get all of the glory! Thank you God for the healing! Amen.
Well said, and AMEN!!!!
DeleteIn Jesus Name, Amen. Glory be to God!
DeleteAmen and amen!
DeleteAmen. Now thats the kind of prayer I'm talking about, it is God's will that all be healed. We simply have to claim it and stand on His Word.
DeleteI am in continued prayer for little Ben, and your family. May God's protection surround all of you. May you feel His love with the prayers and thoughts of perfect strangers, whom you have inspired. Our God is an amazing Father, Healer, Friend. Please know, how you all have touched our lives, and changed our lives for the better. We are all waiting on this precious miracle.....Krista
ReplyDeleteWe countinue to pray for the miracle for little Ben. Stay strong and fight little Ben.
ReplyDeleteI am not by all means what you would consider a religious person... but I have 3 children too.... 2 boys and a little girl. I cannot help but read your blogs and it tear at my heart strings. I think about little Ben everyday. I wonder how he is doing and how he is holding on. I think about his brother and sister too and how they are handling things. But mostly I find myself asking rather than thinking lately for God to help your family and just heal Ben. I know I'm not the most religious but I just can't help myself when I think about the Sauers. I'm truly at a loss for words when it comes down to it. I see my gluttonous in Ben in every picture and in every post you talk about him Mindy. My heart will always carry a little piece of Ben in it just from you sharing his story.
DeleteI admire your openness, Jason! The beautiful thing is, Jesus isn't looking for religious people. In fact, he turned religion on its head. He just wants faithful people like you. You're already there. Blessings upon you!
DeletePraying for you all...
ReplyDeleteA church on the Isle of Man are praying for you all. Your writing is beautiful, inspiring and heart wrenching.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had half of that little dude's strength. Hopefully he got some good shots in with the silly string. I have a feeling he did.
ReplyDeletePraying for continued strength for you and your family. May God grant A miracle for Ben.
ReplyDeleteThrough many tears I write this; sadness & joy(Jesus, Others, you). A "stellar" or even nominal Dad/husband I am not but a believer in Jesus Christ I am. I have figured my wife and kids could do fine without me, she has a great job and all. I have thought, " give me what Ben has and let him live/grow with his family." Following this blog has helped me see I need to be more Christ-like in my relationships with my kids and my wife. I Will be a better father and husband . . . Because of Christ, because of Ben! Thank you, and my wife and I will continue to pray for/with you all. . . He is able!
ReplyDeleteIncredible what you can put so beautifully into words. Thank you for allowing us to travel this journey with you and your family. God is in control and you all are in my Prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful you are being obedient to share our testimony of God's grace through this trial. I don't know you personally, but you are my sister in Christ. I'm so very, very proud of you sister. I'm also the momma of twin (almost 4) girls through adoption. In my darkest momma season, this was the verse I clung to:
ReplyDeleteColossians 3:12 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
God saw fit to choose you and your family for this battle Mindy - before time began. I am sure that you would have rather not been chosen, but the fact that God knew He could trust you with something so big and so hard is a testament. You are holy - set apart by God for this special task - and covered by Christ's perfection. And your family is DEARLY LOVED by those closest to you, by those you've inspired across the country, and your Heavenly Father. Praying God grants you all compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience during these trying days.
Keep fighting sweet Ben!
*YOUR testimony
DeleteAMEN and AMEN Mindy!! As Christ Followers and Warriors we are called to Trust Him and Thank Him in ALL things. Janet totally exemplified Christ in her life - I met Janet and the Sauer Family many years ago in Buffalo at the Bershire Church when my parents and I first moved up from Jamaica (the Chang's)... Andy's grandfather "Mr Sauer" led with humility and grace - a great Legacy to pass down to his lineage.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw Ben's photo I immediately saw Janet - jovial, kind, loving with a mega-huge heart and a quiet strength that runs deep which she got from her deep faith in Christ her Saviour.
Through your family's testimony many are being reached for His Kingdom!
We continue to lift you all up to the throne of Grace - According to His Will with the Blessings of His Grace, Mercies and Love.
Love and God's continued favor on you and your family Mindy -
I think of you and your family every day. I have been meditating and thinking of your earlier blog post, the one where you describe holding Ben as he sleeps in your arms. What mother could not relate to that feeling, to the impermanence and bittersweet quality of that experience knowing that even if our dreams and wishes come true for our child, he will eventually outgrow our arms. How much more difficult it is to face a long goodbye. I have so much respect for your religious faith and conviction, so although I want to just share this book title that has given me personally a great deal during times of grief, I do so in a kind of ecumenical spirit, seeking to transcend and send you my deepest feelings of sympathy. The book is called No Death, No Fear by a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk named Thich Nhat Hahn. He is deeply respectful of Christianity and his writings he is explicitly respectful to the Christian faith and his very beautiful metaphors can absolutely be understood within the context of Jesus' love for humanity and our connection as humans to God's loving spirit. I know that not every pastor will agree that it is possible to look at a Buddhist's writings and have the ideas confirm rather threaten a Christian's belief but I personally have found it possible. So, I just want to put that out there as a very simple way to offer a little bit of comfort to you although I know it is insufficient. Whether you find the book or not, please know that I wish I could give you some comfort.
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for your precious Ben and your family since a friend forwarded me a link to this site. Your post hit home today. I am a mom who had a daughter with a brain tumor and she never ever asked "why me"? She was 9 at diagnosis and we lost her at 12. So....I understand a lot of what you're experiencing and I'm so sorry. I will continue to lift your family in prayer. (I've got some good connections :-)) May you feel God's love wrapped around you as He holds you all in the palm of His hand.
ReplyDeleteI don't even know you. But my heart and prayers are yours. I've never wanted a miracle more.
ReplyDeleteI pray for your family every day. I know you receive tons of comments on here, and I know people are telling you all kinds of stuff. There's proof that both wheat grass, and also asparagus, when ingested every day (mostly in shake form) have eradicated cancer from many people. Please research it. No chemicals, just good nutrition. May God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteThink about you & your sweet boy often. Continuing to pray for God's miraculous hand to rid Ben of this affliction. I'm humbled by your faith and Ben's. Through this storm, you ARE changing peoples' lives--I'm one of them. Hold on to His promises...He will carry you and your family through this no matter what. <3
ReplyDeleteAs I sit here and read word by word of your gracious and loving and unbelievable courageous blogs I have crumbled to a waterfall of tears and I sit here with my 10 year old daughter who wanted to learn about your son, Ben. My children's school just had a Blue4Ben day and all the children wore blue and families donated to you and your family ... I hold my 4 year old on my lap as I post this and pray for the miracle we as a community all want for Ben. My heart hurts so bad and I admire your strength and determination ... God has blessed you as well into the Sauer family ... I can only hope I can come close to being the mother and wife that you have been and are ... Thank you
ReplyDeleteI live in Iowa and I read your updates. I am inspired by your faith and your courage. Please write a book and share your story. You are gifted with words and I know God would use your book to inspire,encourage and help so many people who would read it. I'm sure it wouldn't be easy to write but at some point, some day I hope you do. HUGS from Iowa.
ReplyDeleteMindy, there is so much I want to say to you but I believe it has all been said in the hundreds and hundreds of comments you have received. I see us as a community of pray-ers lifting Ben and your family to our God. Some prayers are long and beautiful, some short and touching but all said with love, faith and commitment.
ReplyDeleteYou are a blessing to us.
thank you Lord for your tender Mercies and endless strength, holding this family together in Love and Grace.
ReplyDeletePraying for your family and your miracle... I think so many miracles have already happened because of this challenge and your bravery in sharing it with us. I know I have been changed by your story. Thank you Mindy. Thank you Shelly (Houghton '01)
ReplyDeleteIf we ask, "Why me?" about sorrow, we'd have to ask, "Why me?" about blessings and joys too. Today our priest spoke of our life on earth as "the womb of time." The womb of time, where we develop and grow, and then at God's appointed time, we are born into eternal life.
ReplyDeleteI pray Ben's cancer abates, shrinks and disappears. Oh Grandma Sauer, pray for your grandson Ben, that he may have a long life and see his grandchildren too.
But O Lord, not our will, be thine be done.
God bless.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWe are praying for your family - every day!
ReplyDeleteDear Mindy, My husband and along with many in our congregation pray for Ben everyday. In 2008 we had a miracle in our family. I had a reaction to medication and aspirated vomit, it caused two heart attacks and for 14 minutes I was with out a heart beat. They called for my priest or pastor to issue last rights, my father is my pastor. When they brought him into the room, he stood there and simply proclaimed In The Name Of Jesus April I command you to come back. He continued to say it. The Dr's told him Rev. she is gone and has been without oxygen fir far to long. He told them to keep working on me. Suddenly the monitors started jumping. In the days following it was filled with negative reports but my family stood on God's Word and plead the Blood Of Jesus over me.I walked out of the hospital 14 days later fully healthy. It was a true medically documented miracle. God is able. Please do not lose sight of that. When Jesus died he not only dies for our salvation but he died that we may overcome sickness or any evil thing that might cause sickness. God is looking to pour out His power Ben is healed. The Word of God promises that your seed will be mighty. We serve a big God and nothing is impossible for Him, no matter what it may look like don't lose sight of that as hard as it might be. We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers. I truly believe Ben is going to have an amazing testimony that can show the world how great our God is, and how much Jesus loves us .
ReplyDeleteHi! I have a friend who was traveling throughout India this past year. She said they treat cancer with the spice Tumeric, I was wondering if you tried something holisitc like this? Supposedly it blocks cancer cells from reproducing. Sending you lots of love!!!
ReplyDeleteI have learned over the last few weeks that answering 'why' isn't what brings healing. I know that doesn't take away the pain you are going through, but hope it brings you comfort to know.
ReplyDeletePraying for you--Mindy and Andy, Jack and Megan, and of course, precious Ben!
ReplyDeleteHere's a song that is very precious to my heart. Maybe it will bless your heart too.
"Jesus draw me ever nearer
As I labour through the storm.
You have called me to this passage,
and I'll follow, though I'm worn.
"May this journey bring a blessing,
May I rise on wings of faith;
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.
"Jesus guide me through the tempest;
Keep my spirit staid and sure.
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.
"Let the treasures of the trial
Form within me as I go -
And at the end of this long passage,
Let me leave them at Your throne.
"Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer"
~ Music by Keith Getty; Words by Margaret Becker
I am a mom of twin five year old. I pray for you and your family daily.
ReplyDeleteWe have never met, but I wish we had. Your strength and honor for your family and The Lord are unsurpassed. Thank you for showing me what faith really looks like. Your children are blessed to have such wonderful parents. I pray for continued strength for your amazing Ben and for your family. Signed, Another Mother in Texas
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for the trials your family is experiencing! I wish, like I am sure so many others do, that I had a magical cure for this horrendous disease or the answer for why God would allow this sort of misery to fall on a child. As Christians we know there is a reason but we also know that we not see the reason until we meet the Lord. I will pray for you , for your son, for your family.
ReplyDeleteThis is a remarkable outlook on life. You truly inspire me. I continue to pray for your family.
ReplyDeleteI have posted before, but feel it is laid on my heart to repeat the healing testimonies I have witnessed. It is totally against my nature to be so bold, so that is how I know this is the Lord's leading. I noticed on a post by Harmony on this page, she mentioned that in India, they use Turmeric to prevent & to kill cancer cells. This is well-documented, even in the Western medical field. I witnessed a healing myself, when an elderly woman was told she had lung cancer. She began taking turmeric capsules daily & 12 years later is still strong & healthy. A lifelong God-centered life & Faith were also a mainstay. I referred a friend's daughter to this treatment, as she was recovering from chemo & radiation treatment for breast cancer. After taking turmeric for 6 months, the doctors were amazed at the disappearance of the tumors. But the one testimony that is what I would call an 11th hour healing is the one God's put on my heart to get across to you. It concerns Barbara St. Onge, who has posted several times on this page. I met her at the Chapel & we have become good Christian friends, encouraging each other with scripture & prayer. When she started going to radiation & chemo for a neck cancer last year, the lump was almost the size of a tennis ball. Even after months of daily radiation, it remained. Then she went to CCS Oncology & had 3 weeks of targeted radiation (no chemo) with the True Beam, which can deliver more pinpoint, intense radiation to only the tumor. To my amazement, when I saw her after this, the lump was completely gone! So just maybe there is something to their advertisement slogan 'New Hope, New Technology for all types & stages'...Barb also took turmeric prior to these treatments, & a strong faith in God's Word & Promises were I'm sure a major aspect of the successful treatment. I think we need to do all we can in the natural world & God will add His Super to our natural. Like the parents of April, who posted above, we should refuse to take the visible signs as absolute, & stand on God's Promises & we will see the 'Evidence of things Unseen' (Heb. 11:1) All this to say: Not discounting Faith & Prayer as miracle-working Power, PLEASE, PLEASE get an opinion from CCS. There could be a difference.
ReplyDeleteContinued prayers and blessings to you all.