
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Holding On Until the End

I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy. Even adventure movies. But horror films and tragedies have never sat well with me.

I like happy endings.

When the guy and girl end up together, when the family finds their way home, when things end up 'as they should be.' Even when I start watching a movie late at night. It doesn't even matter if I've seen it before. More than once. I like watching it until the very end... just to be sure it ended the way I remembered it.

Perhaps that's why this adventure is so difficult. I have absolutely no idea how it will unfold.

I've been thinking about several stories in the Bible where it paid to wait until the very end. If you would have walked out weeks, days, or even minutes before the end, you would have thought it was a tragedy. When, in fact, it was actually a huge success story.

When Abraham was asked to use his first and only son as a sacrifice, he didn't hesitate. Even Isaac didn't seem to question when his dad tied him to the coals. He trusted him. Just as Abraham trusted his Heavenly Father. It wasn't until the knife was raised into the air, poised for his son's heart, that God said, "Stop!" I wonder what was going through Isaac's head at that exact moment. God waited until the very last minute to rescue Abraham from the possibility of killing his only son. And in turn for his obedience, God blessed him and made him a father of many nations.

When God used Moses to petition Pharaoh to let His people go, we have to read through several chapters and ten plagues in order to get to the part where Pharaoh finally gave in. But even after he gave in, he then changed his mind. He chased down God's people with the intent to kill; he would not lose this battle. But God rescued His people once again and allowed for the sea to open up just long enough for the Israelites to walk safely to the other side. On dry land. Perhaps we've heard that story so many times we don't even realize the magnitude of what God did. So many small miracles in those circumstances. But even that wasn't the end of the story. God walked them through years and years of desolation before He was finally able to bring them to the Promised Land. That story took a lot longer than even the Israelites would have wanted.

And there's the many little miracles Jesus performed in the Bible. The man who was born blind at birth. Never anticipated being able to see. But... God. The little girl who He visited at her home, hours after she had died. Most people would have seen that as being late. But... God. The countless people whose lives He changed. Turned around. Encouraged. Healed. Not according to their timeline, but according to His perfect plan.

We only see a portion of the picture. A small piece of the puzzle. Sometimes it's difficult to see how God might be working out a problem while we're struggling to stay afloat in our current circumstances. But just because He doesn't answer us in the way we want, exactly when we want it doesn't mean that He is turning a blind eye to our plight. Perhaps it just means there's a bigger story He's working out.

"And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28

God will use for good, what Satan meant for evil. God never promised us that we wouldn't need to go through hardships while here on earth. We live in a fallen, sinful world. Bad stuff happens all the time, and evil does not discriminate. But what He does promise is that He will use our circumstances for good, if we allow Him.

We just have to promise to hold on... until the very end.


  1. Praying and loving you always!!

  2. Beautifully put and we are having with you- every step of the way!

  3. Amen, Keep the Faith......BUT GOD!!!!!!!!

  4. A-men. A lifetime of lessons made more poignant from your perspective. God is speaking to you and through you in a supernatural way. Keeping all of you close in prayer.

  5. Dear Sauers,
    I saw you on facebook through my sister asking for prayer for Ben. I don't know what Ben's condition is and if this treatment would work at this stage but please contact the following clinic to find out.
    I see that a few others mentioned it already in past comments. Here is a movie about the clinic and what it does:
    I can get you in touch with my dear friend, a young man who had a rapidly growing brain tumor and had this treatment successfully. Here is his story:
    I just need to know that you are aware of this treatment for kids in similar situations. Feel free to remove this post if you are already aware. I will be praying for Ben. God bless you.

    1. We've already called Dr. Burzynski about Ben, on Mindy's behalf, just to get information. The FDA shut him down a few years ago in dealing with young children; so sadly, that avenue has been shut down.

    2. The website is still up and active. Why is that if he has been shut down?

  6. Well said... still praying for a miracle.

  7. Your faithfulness, honesty and undeniable trust in God's grace and mercy is so beautiful. I have literally been on my knees in unrelenting prayer for Ben and your entire family.
    I hope you are all able to find strength in the love and prayers that are sent your way from all who have connected with this.
    Wishing you rest, peace, comfort and most of all a miracle! May God wrap you all tightly in His love and His mercy!

  8. I'm currently separated from my husband of 25 years (I could no longer stay in the house while he continues to deny his adultery and he filed for divorce a year ago last November). All that to say I needed the encouragement/reminder, "but God", for my situation as well. Thank you for sharing your current journey and I will be praying. I have twin boys as well (fraternal). Blessings to you all.

  9. Keep the strong faith that you have. It will help ease the pain of what you are seeing Ben going through. I continue to pray for all of you each and every single day, hoping for that miracle.

  10. You are a true inspiration. God knew what he was doing when he blessed you with children. Your family is in my prayers. God Bless.

  11. Dear Sauer family: I communicate on FB re Ben et al with Lynne S. I love your post today about continuing to pray and wait and believe to the very last minute. The remarkable story just above this about that clinic gives me hope as well. I also speak from personal experience as someone who lingered on a ventilator for five weeks with "no hope". Once I woke up, it was one fiasco after another for 5 months ... but miracles, both medical and not understandable occurred. After 18 months of insane complications, things suddenly changed. So I even know from personal experience. There have been other stories like this. It may seem like just wishful thinking to refuse to stop praying and expecting a miracle at all costs. I prayed for Ben this morning as I walked with the dog. I visualized him as he is, perfect, the way he looks in his picture. I stated that his body, or medicine, or both plus God, the All Knowing Intelligence dissolves the cells that should not be there. I will steadfastly speak this and hold that image in my mind. As well as that, I hold the image in my mind of strength for the rest of the family. God bless you all. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Mindy, I unfortunately don't know you and your family but I know that you are the most impressive woman I've ever heard of. Your dear friend Ellen sent the blue bracelets to Germany and since they have arrived today I can't stop thinking about you, your family and of course most of all your sweet Ben. You are in my prayers. God bless you all. Love and hugs from Germany.

  13. ...but God! What more is there to say.

  14. You, your husband, Jack and Megan, and especially your sweet sweet Ben are on my mind and in my prayers all day, every day. We may never meet in person, but your family is all I can think about. Your words are so full of life and truth and faith- you are touching so many people and showing God to so many. I've passed your blog on to all of the people in my church community, and you have a TON of prayers being spoken for your family coming from CT. Holding on with you and praying for a miracle, until the end.

  15. Wow Mindy your blog today really hit home for me. Talking about God and occurrences in life with us only knowing a small piece of the puzzle and only seeing part of the picture--not understanding God's bigger plan. Paul and I have been trying to come to some understanding about our circumstances with absolutely no answers....trying to stay afloat (exactly). I can't believe with what you are going through you are still able to provide support to others through your words and faith. Thank you so much---I pray for Ben and your family many times throughout the day - EVERY DAY. I hope a miracle comes your way. Denise Englert

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. He has such amazing plans for all of us. He loves Ben so much and is speaking through you to all of us.

  18. What a beautiful faith. God bless you!

  19. Praying for Ben and your family..... But...God.

  20. A Loan From God
    "I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said.
    "For you to love the while he lives and mourn for when he's dead.
    It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
    But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?
    He'll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief,
    You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief."
    "I cannot promise he will stay; since all from earth return,
    But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
    I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
    And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you.
    Now will you give him all your love, not think the labor vain,
    Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?"
    "I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done!
    For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
    We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may,
    And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay;
    But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned,
    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!

    May God bring you comfort and peace.

  21. I'm praying for you and your precious family! Praying that you feel HIS loving arms around you. Fall into HIS arms and let HIM comfort you!

  22. Sauers family just want to let you know that I am praying for you God is more than able to do far more than we can think or even imagine. Stay bless.

  23. Holding you all, and especially sweet Ben, close in heart and prayer. Our God is God of miracles and wonders, and He is good. I can only wonder what He is up to, believing that He has a purpose for everything. Mindy, your faith is an example to all of us -- May God continue to bless you with comfort and peace as you submit all things fully to Him. I am praying that Ben is comfortable and able to enjoy his being at home. In Christian love, Kathy

  24. I do not know you, but you can count on my prayers. My two boys aged 3 and 5 mention Ben by name and prays for him every night. I live in England and please remember that when you are sleeping, when you are not able to pray that there will be someone somewhere in the world praying for Ben and your family. MayGod continue to give you strength. With love and prayers

  25. You have a gift of WORDS. I read your story earlier today and cried and cried. I showed it to my 8 year old after school because she and her sister are shaving their heads next week to try to raise money to eradicate childhood cancer. I wanted her to see your son's beautiful face as a reminder of the importance of what they are doing next week.

    Since I checked earlier today, you had made another post filled with such faith that it took my breath away. I showed pictures of Ben to my science class and asked all of my 5th graders to pray for him and for his parents, brother and sister. We talked about the importance of learning science to stop things like this from happening.... well, your post from today brought me to my knees. Your faith is beyond incredible. It was so nice to read your words with my 8 year old and talk about the bigger picture. You have impressed me more than you know. I will keep praying that your family handles whatever comes your way with the love and courage your posts inspire in me.

    Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.

  26. Mindy, my warrior friend, you inspire me. I am so proud to know you. <3 <3 <3

  27. I heard this song on FLN this afternoon and was led to share it with you.

    Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing, let mercy fall on me

    Well, everyone needs forgiveness

    The kindness of a Savior, the hope of nations.

    Savior, He can move the mountains

    my God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save

    Forever, author of Salvation
    He rose and conquered the grave,
    Jesus conquered the grave.

    So take me as You find me

    All my fears and failures, fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in, I surrender...I surrender..

    Shine Your light and let the whole world see,
    we're singing 
for the glory of the risen King,
 Shine Your light and let the whole world see, we're singing
 for the glory of the risen King.

  28. As a mother of a six-year old, I can not imagine the pain you and your family are enduring at this time. I recently lost a friend to cancer. A wonderful mother and friend...
    It wasn't until after her beautiful soul left us that I learn of the benefits of cannibinoids. There has been research that shows the effectiveness and aggressiveness of CBD's on treating tumors. CBD's are the second component in cannabis (THC being the first). They are developing low THC high CBD marijuana so that children may benefit from it's medicinal properties. I don't know if this is an option for your family? Regardless of this information, the reason I'm here is to show my support and will continue to pray for Ben.

  29. As a mother of a ten month old little boy who, if I believed the doctors, wouldn't be here today, I know that I wouldn't ever be the same if he hadn't have made it. He is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my "but God" miracle and I love to tell the story of how he came to be, and be here. I am praying that you get your "but God" miracle, too.

  30. You are a woman of amazing strength and courage! I will continue to storm the gates of heaven with prayers for your child and family. He is such an awesome God! We may not know what tomorrow holds but we surely know who holds tomorrow.

  31. Mindy I don't personally know you but your faith amazes me. I continue to pray for Ben and for your family. God has blessed you with amazing faith. You are such an inspiration. You are blessed because you believe and trust in our savior no matter the outcome. God bless you. May his hand continue to work in your child and family.

  32. Thinking of you and your family tonight, Mindy. I hope you can enjoy a familiar routine as you put your kids to bed. I hope Ben had a tolerable day. I hope Jack and Megan hugged him and made him smile. Keep making those memories. You are meant to be where you are right now and I'm so inspired and humbled by your courage and faith! xo

  33. Mindy, I just happened by ur story. I want u to know my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. My cousin was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme in February 2011. Keep ur faith through these trying times ~Jill

  34. I pray with you and for you. Your faith is amazing and your testimony glorifies God! God is well able and I will continue to pray. Bless you and your beautiful family as you continue to trust Him and minister to so many.

  35. I dont know you or your family but was brought to this site by a friend who posted your story on FB. I agree that prayer and faith in God are very powerful things. As a mother myself, your story brought m e to tears...I can only imagine the heartache you feel. My 7 year old just lost his father to cancer 3 weeks ago and through the struggle I continue to find the most peace in my faith. I say a prayer for you now and will continue to pray for all of you. God bless you and your sweet little boy.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Prayers, warm healing thoughts and love your way.

  38. Amen! As a Catholic Christian, I totally understand and agree and have even been in your shoes. I wish I could've communicated those beliefs as eloquently. It doesn't mean I didn't mourn the loss of my son. The pain brought me closer to Christ's undeserved suffering as I experienced it from Mary's perspective. Quite humbling. Know that thousands are holding you up in prayer. The strength you have is provided by the grace of God. He is with you, and He loves you!

  39. May The Lord bless you with grace and lay his mighty hand on you all! Peace

  40. Mindy, if you're up for it, let's pray this novena tomorrow:

    Regardless, I will start praying this tomorrow for Ben. Thank you for keeping us updated during this difficult time. I can' only imagine how much energy it takes to write these posts...

  41. Praying continually for sweet Ben and your family. I look forward to your new posts because your faith is such an inspiration to me. God is using you to reach so many people. May God provide the miracle we are all praying for!

  42. Life is not falling apart... It's just falling into place.

  43. Mindy - I only vaguely remember you from Houghton (I think you were a class or two behind me), but Ben's story and your testimony has gripped my heart. Tonight at my church intercession meeting we prayed for Ben - and I truly believe praying for you has brought healing for a friend of mine who lost her nephew a few years ago. She was able to push through her own wounds and fears from losing Eric to pray for Ben - it was powerful. I was singing "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman and teared up thinking how much your testimony is that have not let go and continue to praise God. You and your family will continue to be in our prayers and of course we will continue to pray for full healing for Ben!

  44. Ben- How beautiful are you strong boy!! I sit here and wonder just how beautiful you are on the inside as you are on the outside. As a mother of 3 small children myself (2 boys 4yrs,3yrs and a girl 22months) I want you to know I send my strength and love to you and your amazing family. You are so blessed to have one another and I want you to know you are not alone!! I among many others stand with you in thoughts, prayers and strength. Believe in the impossible!! All my love,Crystal

  45. But...God. And only... God. Ephesians 3:20-21.

  46. I just learned of your situation. My heart goes out to you and your family. I lost my son suddenly 7 years ago at age 14. I can't imagine what it must be like to experience that pain of your situation...the heaviness of "not knowing" which is many situations is far worse than "knowing" of a bad outcome. May you find moments of peace today and the days to come.

  47. Dear Mindy & Andy,
    As I was praying for you this morning, I was reminded of the story of Lazarus in John 11. Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters so when he was told that Lazarus was sick He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it." Jesus then stayed where He was for 2 more days before heading to see his friends. Read verses 11, 13, 14 & 15- read the whole chapter! In verse 41, " Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me." Is our God able? Oh yes...This is what you were referring to in your blog today! He has given you the faith to believe He is able Mindy. His grace is enveloping you and strengthening you and upholding you and you are fulfilling the purpose for which you were born-for which we were all born- that is to shine His light and to bring Him glory!! God bless you Mindy. May His will be done. There's no doubt that you will glorify God no matter what the outcome and by that His name will be praised over all the earth, literally! Praying without ceasing...

  48. Mindy, you will have many well intended offerings of words of wisdom through your journey, but not even a mother who has gone through the same type of situation can know exactly what you are feeling or what you may need to hear. What you posted is absolutely the kind of attitude. you need for your son, for you and your family. It's so easy to judge and say he will be in a better place when the child they are speaking about is not their son. When I found out about my little girl and they said there is not even a protocol for this cancer because it is so rare, there is not much we can do, she has about 3 months tops. Oh no they did not just say that to me! As her mother we will go to the end of the earth for our children, we would give our own life. All I heard when they said that to me was that may have been the case for other children and their parents may have accepted that diagnosis but no way is my little spirited fighter not going to show them otherwise. Not once did I ever accept or hear or think that I was going to lose her! That is so important because I truly believe that if you believe in what you said above that you know that God will be there for you guys to overcome the disease. Instead of planning a funeral, I immediately went onto the National Cancer Institute's website and after searching all night long I found a clinical trial and presented it to the oncologist, neurologist and radiologist. I have no medical background yet 3 distinguished doctors agreed that they felt that would be the best treatment for her even thought it was not any one of their ideas! Instead of 3 months we were blessed with almost five more years! She was considered cancer free and known as the first metastasized cancer free survivor! They learned so much from her and the fact that she actually beat a stage 4 cancer that spread to her spine was unfathomable! Not once do I ever regret the path we chose and you can ask anyone that knew her if they ever once saw my child in pain! Don't doubt what you feel and as a mother deep inside you know what your child needs. One thing I do want to suggest is creating a relationship with the nurses, doctors, staff, etc. Every time someone would come visit or if we had a new nurse etc. we would take a picture of them with my daughter and posted it to our carepage and wrote a little something about our visitor and send it out! It helped her think of them and the situation as a pleasant and helped her laugh when we would tell her what silly things we would say. They loved her and she was always the perfect little patient because she trusted them and I can't tell you how many we still keep In contact with till this day. Feel free to contact me if you just need someone to talk to, I promise I will only listen if that is all you want, that is one thing that is hard sometimes is just trying to find someone who will listen and it is much needed. Give little Ben a hug from us and tell him how he can do it, because you believe in him and so do we!

  49. Inspiration. Warrior. Humbled by you. These comments above are amazing. Mindy, what you are facing is all of our worst nightmares. My heart truly aches for you, yet you have taken the time to draw people closer to God. I believe that your faith has personally caused countless people to pray who may not have prayed in years or maybe even never at all. This alone may be the start of a world filled with love and comfort and eternal life for hundreds if not thousands of people. Maybe their world was lonely or depressing and now they have have that comfort in life knowing they can talk to God. I don't think we ever met at Mops but I have no doubt after reading your posts and seeing the lives you have touched even in the people you knew before this, that you and your husband are raising amazing children who will touch the lives of many no matter where their path leads them. Keep up the good work for the difficult months and then years ahead. I hope they are all filled with beautiful memories. And no matter where God decides to have Ben call his home, I wish that the "sun shine warm upon his face... and God hold him in the hollow of his hand". God bless you. I am praying for you. Julie Murray

  50. Sweet Sauer Family, I offer my sincere sympathy and empathy, but I am also reaching out to offer genuine hope to you all. My child was born with a brain tumor that measured 10x5x5 cm when it was resected at 10 wks old. The docs all said that surgery was impossible, she was WAY too small for radiation treatments, so chemo was our only
    shot, and we all know that can't possibly be helpful w such a fast growing tumor. They told us all of this on a Friday.she had a needle biopy the following Mon, Peds Neurosurgeon (must have been divinely inspired) decided to try to resect and they put a port in her chest to recieve chemo on Wed, and had a cranial resection of the ENTIRE tumor the following Fri. It has left her w a few motor skills deficiencies and muscular difficulties but she is now an amazingly bright and super happy 5 yo! No sickness in sight, Praise the Lord! And they gave her a 3% chance of surviving to age 3. HA! I WISH you could see this fireball now!
    Anyways, I have found an amazing tool to help me (and y'all) since then that has replaced all our meds. Young Living Essential Oils are my main source of medicine now. My daughter was left w a cyst in her left ventricle that was only getting bigger and bigger w every 3 month MRI. Since finding YLEO over the last 6 mos the cyst has shrunk by 1/2 of its original size. And I am praying and BELIEVING that YL oils can shrink it until it is GONE! I am also believing the same could happen for Ben. A group of us YL ladies are heartbroken over this little one; mostly because we feel a STRONG calling to reach out to y'all. These oils are God's medicines and have the power of God within them, and Young Living's Therapeutic Grade Oils are in the top 2% of oils world-over, the odds of you getting a better grade oil are almost nil.PLEASE let us try to help! We are all saved Christians and I have no motive besides wanting to belp. I pray you find this message and pray you look into YLEO oils. My FB page is Cathleen Thomas, message me if you are interested and I will DO ALL I CAN to help!! May God bless Ben's sweet soul and all of his famy. This is a nightmare, I know, but I hope you do find a littlehope in YL oils. Praying and praying....

  51. Mindy, I live not far from you in South Lockport and have visited the church where your son's benefit will be held, but that's not how I learned about your family's story. A friend of mine from Staten Island shared your blog post on FB, then the next day another friend, this one from north eastern PA, did the same thing. The day after that it was posted again from several friends of mine in NJ. And let me just say that none of my posting friends knew each other. Each women who posted was as rock solid a believer as you ever want to know and asked for serious prayer for Ben and all of you. I share this as means of encouragement to you, God is burdening the church, His bride, for your family. How awesome is He? ......praying.

  52. Praying for your little boy and your family in Memphis.

  53. Praying for a miracle and your continued steadfast faith in Newark Ohio...originally from Williamsville... In all things praise Him!

  54. So incredibly sorry for the heartache you all are experiencing. We've never met, and I only found out about your situation a couple of days ago, but I was incredibly moved by your story. I private msg'd you on fb last night but it has probably gone to your "others" folder (my name is Candy). Please read it....I would love to reach out and help in any way. I hope you have been able to find comfort in all the kindness being shown here and elsewhere. Thinking of your family and hoping for a miracle.

  55. Prayers and love to you and your family from NJ.

  56. We will absolutely be praying for your entire family! I ran across this Facebook post tonight and couldn't stop reading. ... And praying. .. Read a little more.... And prayed a whole lot more! I'm heartbroken for you all. Your words are inspiring and I feel as if I'm right there with you as I read this blog. Please know that Springfield, Missouri is throwing up prayers left and right for healing and comfort for sweet little Ben and the rest of your amazing family. Much love ♡♡♡♡

  57. I have been following your story by way of a fellow Facebook friend who has a strong faith. I have great faith that our Heavenly Father knows what it is best for us, but submitting to his will is another story. Sometimes I go kicking and screaming and have a hard time understanding his decisions, which are supposed to be best for me. I admire you and your faith. I pray for you and your family that you continue to turn to Heavenly Father and Christ during this time. My hope is that it carries you through this earthly challenge. May his unfailing love help you and your family find peace.

  58. I pray. I never tell people I'll pray for you unless I really intend on doing it. I'm praying for Ben. I'm praying for the miracle we all know he needs. I'm praying for that miracle that would be a testimony to so many unbelievers that truly God is an awesome God. I'm praying for you. I can't imagine your tiredness from just being a mom but knowing what lies ahead. I'm praying all of our prayers wrap themselves around you and your family and give you the strength to move each day. I don't tell too many people I'll pray for you because I know I get side tracked and busy and forget...but, I won't forget about Ben and your family. I'm praying with all heart.


    Please check out this link and do some research on the Burzynski Clinic. He has an alternative method to treating cancer that is supposed to be most effective with brain tumors. There is actually a success story on this page of someone with the same type of tumor I think. My family is praying that Jesus will give you the strength and courage to keep your eyes on Him!

    "I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine. Come to Me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish. Ask My Spirit to control your mind, so that you can think great thoughts of Me. Do not be discouraged by the fact that many of your prayers are yet unanswered. Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me, to trust Me in the dark. The more extreme your circumstances, the more likely you are to see My Power and Glory at work in the situation. Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, try to view them as setting the scene for My glorious intervenetion. Keep your eyes and your mind wide open to all that I am doing in your life."
    -Sarah Young from Jesus Calling

  60. Mindy
    Like many, I do not know you, but have been lifting Ben and your family up in prayer. Your faith is a testimony! I have a 5 year old son who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer (infantile fibrosarcoma) at 8 weeks old. We just went for his final MRI yesterday and he is officially cancer free- 5 years later…praise God! My husband and I realized there was such a great need for more sibling support during childhood cancer diagnosis. (We had 2 other boys at home during Cooper's treatment). So, we started a non-profit foundation called Cooper Trooper Foundation. I would love to send Ben's brother and sister one of our Courage Kits in the mail. They are completely free…you just have to go and request one on our website and give us their shirt size and they will be mailed directly to them.
    The kits are pictured on our website, but they basically just have some items specifically designed with siblings in mind and celebrate their courage in this whole process…as you know, cancer impacts the WHOLE family!
    Please know I will continue to pray. God is good, even in the dark circumstances that surround us. Hold on to hope and know there are so many surrounding your family who love you and pray for you.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Praying for Ben and your family. I am inspired by your faith and how you find comfort in our Father. May God continue give you the courage and strength each and everyday. May blessing pour down on your family.

  63. Two different people who do not know each other sent me your blog post on facebook. It just breaks my heart. But I think they sent it to me because they know that my sister was diagnosed with a stage 4 glioblastoma multiforme 20 years ago, and by a miracle of science and God's grace, she is alive today and doing very well. Cathy is truly a miracle, and miracles do happen. Cathy also had radiation for 6 weeks, followed by surgery to remove what they could. After the surgery the doctors whipped up a chemotherapy cocktail, and her tumor began to shrink. Over the course of a year, it continued to shrink, until it became a pinprick and has stayed that way.

    I tell you this for two reasons. First of all, is it possible that a different form of chemotherapy might work? I know that chemo cannot normally get through the blood brain barrier, but in Cathy's case it did.

    The second reason is to give you additional hope that miracles do occur, and my sister is living proof.

    1. There is a fairly new treatment, I just mentioned in a comment of my own, called Blood Brain Barrier Disruption Therapy, out of Oregon Health and Science University. It basically opens the Blood brain barrier and introduces the chemo directly to the tumor. A classmate of my sons was treated after having his tumors grow thru chemo and radiation, and is now cancer free. Praying for a miracle for this family, and so happy to read that your sister is well!!

  64. Dear Sauers,

    I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and your peace. My heart breaks for the shadow you are walking through. Love in Christ from your sister in Christ,

  65. Prayers going to you from NC. Our God is a God of miracles! Believing this for Ben.

  66. This is breaking my heart and you have such Grace in your heart that shows through your writings. David never gave up either and believed until the end things would change for his son. I just wish with Ben having an identical twin it could work the same as with some other cancers. Bless your family from Mississippi

  67. Peace! I'm so inspired by this story of hope, strength, and courage! I'm not sure if this comment will get lost with all the rest. This is likely the 75 post! I heard of your family story yesterday while at Explore and More Museum then today one of the first post I see its Blue 4 Ben. I said could it be the little boy I heard of yesterday?! He is and so I was moved to read more. I spoke to the ladies about a way to help. The use of a mushroom called ganoderma and an aggressive regimen of cell power. Both can be purchased at Feel-Rite. Ben has to be in an alkaline state as cancer can not advance in an alkaline body. The tumor may not go away but it won't get bigger. I will meditate and send you healing energy to the entire family and entire Come-Unity who have this family in their thoughts. Peace, Love and Light! Oh... You can reach out to me if you like. I'm on Facebook as QueeNia AsheeMa'at.

  68. Trying to reach you. Please please email me. Im a pastor Florida praying for your son.

    Marcus Criner

  69. Praying for your family. Are you aware of any alternative clinical trials he could qualify for? Here is a link that you may find interesting about Dr. Burzynski and his cancer treatment. Also, there is a church in Redding, CA with healing rooms, they can even pray over Skype with you.

  70. My friend that first told me about Dr. Burzynski also provided this comment and link when I mentioned your situation, and just wanted to pass it on, just in case. I have three children myself and can't even imagine. " There is some talk of things opening up in other countries that WOULD allow for this cure. Did they check with the Burzynski clinic itself or talk with people in the patient forum?"

  71. In the hands of our Redeemer,
    Nothing is wasted.
    -Jason Gray

  72. Hi Mindy, please know that Washington State is lifting your family and little Ben up in prayer daily. I pray you continue to put the full measure of your hope in Him and His infinite wisdom and timing. I pray He gives you the courage and strength and tenderness that you need in this hour. Your family is beautiful, the light and joy in Ben is precious, thank you for sharing him and your journey with us. <3

  73. Praying for your family, your faith is inspiring to say the least...praying for a miracle for your beautiful boy...

  74. I hope and pray you will take time to watch part of the "God Wants You Well" series by Andrew Wommack. The 3-5 and 3-6 segments (less than an hour total) are at He speaks of what parents can do for their children. Yesterday he spoke of how God expects us to participate/take authority for healing (Jesus told the woman--Weep not!). Today he talked about an aggressive faith that is needed and showed the testimony of a wife who put it to work with positive results. Her story is important because it also shows that, despite what is seen in the natural, there is a spiritual truth/healing that be can manifested. She referred to Romans 8:6. You CAN speak LIFE over Ben! Please watch these messages and have a blessed day, full of God's grace.

  75. This is so beautifully written. Thank God that he is with us always. I had Ben and Jack in Sunday school at Kings World at the Chapel. They are both wonderful smart and sweet boys. I pray for your family not only for healing but for strength and comfort that only God can bring. You're story reminds me of what my family recently went through with my aunt. She was diagnosed with stage four angiosarcoma and given six months to live. And I am thankful for what God did in our family because of that. Through her fight she was saved her husband was saved and her two children have began attending church at the chapel and my grandparents are now coming to know Christ. Praise God! Even though we don't like tha bad things happen God usues it for good if we let him. My hunsbad daughter and I my three brothers their three girlfriends and my parents have also began living deeper and stronger for God. I mean just in our small family so many people have come to know God and I pray he keeps working on that with my aunts friends and distant relatives too. Again I pray for your family and I know if anyone could heal Ben it is God. He is in the business of miracles.

  76. We don't know each other. I stumbled on your blog through Facebook where a friend was asking for prayer for Ben. I am deeply sorry that The Lord has allowed you to walk through this journey. My daughter Gabriella, age 3, was also born on our wedding anniversary (our 4th, October 14, 2010). This past August she was diagnosed with stage IV high risk neuroblastoma. She went to be with The Lord on December 28. Gabriella did not get the miracle we were praying for in this side of heaven but we still believe in our God and in miracles and I will be praying for your Ben. I pray The Lord will protect your family as you walk this hard road. That you will continue to see Him and feel His love for you and for Ben and I pray that God would reveal more of the bigger picture and story to you and your husband in the right time. We don't understand everything and we don't understand God but we don't have to understand, we just need to trust.

    1. We need to trust in His faithfulness, His love and His provision.

  77. How's Ben doing today? I can't stop thinking about your sweet boy! Sending love and hope for a miracle from Indiana!!!

  78. I don't know you but I can't stop thinking about Ben and all of you. You are all in my prayers. Your strength is an inspiration!

  79. Praying for Ben and your entire family that God will give you wisdom, discernment and strength. I was struck by the similarity between Ben's story and those of several children (including a four year old twin) cured of brain cancer by Dr. Burzynski's antineoplaston therapy at his clinic in Houston, Texas. The movie about Dr. Burzynski at presents the stories of those children and their survival in the face of aggressive brain tumors, including gliobastoma. The treatment is non-toxic and many of his patients have reached adulthood and started families of their own. God bless you and your family as you walk through this extremely difficult journey.

  80. I don't have the privilege of knowing you personally, but am praying for your family, mightily, every day. I know that you have many amazing doctors and I am sure you have had a ton of information thrown at you, but I feel compelled to share with you a treatment that was successful for someone we know. If only to relieve my own conscience, I feel as if I must share. A classmate of my sons was diagnosed with two inoperable brain tumors in 2009, classified as malignant B Cell lymphoma, very rare, especially in the brain. He had the same result as your sweet miracle, with the chemo and radiation, and the tumors continued to grow despite treatment. As a last resort, his parents sought out any treatment, and found a program at Oregon Health and Science University led by Doctor Edward Neuwelt, MD. It is called Blood Brain Barrier Disruption therapy and it has saved the life of my sons' classmate, and he is now cancer free, by the grace of God. I am praying so, so hard for your family and for a miracle such as this for your little man.

  81. Praying for your family from Missouri.

  82. I continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Your post is inspirational--I don't think I could look at it like this. I will be praying for a miracle for Ben and hope you continue to feel His presence blessing you with peace, comfort, strength, and healing.

    God Bless,

    COLE'S Prayer team



  85. I sent those links out of love. Please do not use any more toxic treatments. Pray and ask God to show you what to do, outside of doctors, who DO NOT KNOW about God's medicines.

  86. We are on our knees praying for a miracle for Ben. I see God's grace thru you. God bless you and your family!

  87. Mindy
    Your family has blessed me with the knowledge of the lord. I havent had faith in a long time..I havent been to church in over 10 years. I have two boys Matt and Jack same age as your twins Ben and Jack. I came across your story and havent had a single thought that hasnt included Ben for the last week. I could not imagine the feeelings your family is having. I wanted you to know I pray for you for Ben for your whole family..honestly I have never prayed and I thank you for showing me there is so much to be thankfull for. so much to appriciate and enjoy in every moment. I pray for your family every moment of the day and I thank your family for teaching me and walking me towards a path I was suppose to be on. "jesus loves me this i know"

  88. Have you seen the Budwig protocols amazing results with glioblastoma.. you can pull them up online..I have their protocol but I think you can get it from them pretty quickly too. .if not email me..

    1. Budwig. Mistletoe. RBTI. Potassium supplementation. Garlic. Make the miracle.

  89. Beautiful post! Sending my love prayers xoxo

  90. Prayers go out to this wonderful family <3

  91. I realize that you're all focusing on that little angel right now. Do not ever give up hope. When my daughter was suddenly diagnosed last October with a brian tumor, I was immediately residing in the ICU with her for a week. My entire world fell apart - it wasn't until I sat in that Chapel at Children's Hospital and surrendered to God, praying like I've never prayed before...pleading for his Mercy, that I felt any amount of hope. He had blessed us instantly, for He knew how badly I had needed him in my life...I was resistant for too long. Please read up on Turmeric and it's powerful effects on cancer. The simplest herbs and spices that God has provided for us on Earth have the most powerful effects toward illness. I wish you the best - and if you have a treatment you have found, homeopathic, last resort, out-of-the-box or otherwise, please tell what you need. I can share as much money as I can for this child. This is the type of situation that allows you to know why you saved up money...children are all worth fighting for. Much love to you all - we will keep praying

  92. I do believe that God has a purpose for Ben. I do believe it is for this community/Nation/World to come together. I also Believe in the Power of Prayer and Miracles. Always in our Thoughts and Prayers. Amen

  93. praying daily for God to perform a miracle, to stop that tumor from growing any further and let your precious boy be with a walking testimony of what God is capable of. His plan is the best plan, as painful as it can be for us but still hope that His plan for Ben is to show us how powerful prayer can be through this miracle, and to remind us to never take the time we have with our children for granted.

  94. Mindy, I don't even know you but I love you. In Gods creation you are a precious and rare jewel that blesses me every time I read your post. I will continue to pray for your family thru this very difficult trial. God has blessed and will continue to shower His blessings on you and your family. You faith inspires us all! Hugs to you.

  95. I do believe that God has a purpose for Ben. Sending all my love prayers :)
